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[Unique Thread] I can't launch the game or Log in

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Hey! Thats game is great  ;D Happy it works!
May the NukaCola be with you :D

By the way, I created 5 years ago a "Ultima Online" based server where the story is in the future: Although its not linked with "Fallout", I've included some "arts" from "Fallout. I named the game "Technphobia". So here is for fun a kind of thing that happens when mixing the 2 games:

I love the fallout background ^^

Greetings from Spain.

I have the F2 instaled, with a patch for read all in spanish (This patch includes the UK 1.2 update).

May this patch cause problems? I just reinstall Framework, i have copy the master and critter archives to Fonline, i revised the conection address and port.. And my problem is still the same, grey windows pop up and then, again in the desktop with the launcher window.

Im downloading the last version of my GT8500, but if this doesnt work, maeby the problem its the "spanish" fan version for read all text of F2, so if with the reinstall without that patch, Fonline works, ill post again and copy and advice for the rest of spanish players.

Sorry about my poor english xD Bye!


--- Quote from: CapitanTarasu on November 19, 2010, 01:59:22 pm ---Greetings from Spain.

I have the F2 instaled, with a patch for read all in spanish (This patch includes the UK 1.2 update).

May this patch cause problems? I just reinstall Framework, i have copy the master and critter archives to Fonline, i revised the conection address and port.. And my problem is still the same, grey windows pop up and then, again in the desktop with the launcher window.

Im downloading the last version of my GT8500, but if this doesnt work, maeby the problem its the "spanish" fan version for read all text of F2, so if with the reinstall without that patch, Fonline works, ill post again and copy and advice for the rest of spanish players.

Sorry about my poor english xD Bye!

--- End quote ---

In the FOnline.cfg file, find the line "PatchDatPath=fonline.dat" and change it to "PatchDatPath=faction.zip".

Thanks, ill try and report =)


Thanks, now i can make a new character but i cant still play, a error message apears about my login or password, but i use the Ctrl key for read my password and all is ok, i try too to dont use capital letters when i create my character, but it doesnt work.

Ill read again all the post here, because i supose that this error isnt new


EDIT: Lol... I selected a character name that already exist xD That was the connection problem! Anyways thanks for help =)


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