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Author Topic: [Free Beer!!]Level Cap "Alteration"...(Blueprint Perks)  (Read 2300 times)


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[Free Beer!!]Level Cap "Alteration"...(Blueprint Perks)
« on: September 02, 2010, 04:32:21 pm »

Now that I have your attention with the partially accurate title...

Here's the Beer

What I propose by this suggestion is really that the level cap will be removed, but beyond lvl 21 the HP will not increase, the skill points per level will be reduced to 1/Lv and only "Blueprint" perks can be taken every second level (3rd if skilled trait [Punishment]).

BluePrint Perks

Tesla Armour Discovery
Combat Armour Holo-Plans
Combat Armour Improvements (Need the CA Plans)[For CAMK2]
Brotherhood Secrets (Need CA Improvements)[For BA]
Ranger Secret Alloy Modification Holo-Plans (Need CA Improvements)[For NCR Ranger CA]{Just Hypothetical}

(So, to be able to craft BA one has to achieve Lv 30 or 27)[Or we could place a certain level until you can craft it, like 33 or something like that]

In other words Tier 3 gear will be available to be "perked" so one can craft it, and with the future risk upping to get to the crafting areas it would make for some measures against alting. Can't elaborate much more really...

So, any feedbacks?
« Last Edit: September 02, 2010, 05:20:21 pm by gordulan »
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Re: [Free Beer!!]Level Cap "Alteration"...(Blueprint Perks)
« Reply #1 on: September 02, 2010, 06:40:43 pm »

not a bad idea, I see some potential in it... especially fro crafters being more useful than just an alt...
Enzo Wolf
former President of Fenix Trading company
former Trading counsellor of former Gray Rock village :D


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Re: [Free Beer!!]Level Cap "Alteration"...(Blueprint Perks)
« Reply #2 on: September 02, 2010, 06:45:13 pm »

Aren't crafting blueprints going to be part of upcoming npc factions?

But anyway gordulan what do you think will be the outcome of this? What good would this change provide us with?
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Re: [Free Beer!!]Level Cap "Alteration"...(Blueprint Perks)
« Reply #3 on: September 02, 2010, 06:57:47 pm »

Aren't crafting blueprints going to be part of upcoming npc factions?

But anyway gordulan what do you think will be the outcome of this? What good would this change provide us with?

it will nerf alting, because having crafter able to do high tier stuff will need a lot efforts... ;)
Enzo Wolf
former President of Fenix Trading company
former Trading counsellor of former Gray Rock village :D


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Re: [Free Beer!!]Level Cap "Alteration"...(Blueprint Perks)
« Reply #4 on: September 02, 2010, 07:30:26 pm »

Aren't crafting blueprints going to be part of upcoming npc factions?

They'll be end results of quests. Though the things gord talks about in his first post are quite similar to what I imgined for faction points. I suppose technically they will do the same thing as this idea, but you can start collecting them before you are 21.
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Re: [Free Beer!!]Level Cap "Alteration"...(Blueprint Perks)
« Reply #5 on: September 07, 2010, 01:34:30 am »

I personally like the idea about removing the level cap, and solars post (quests rewards are yay)

It would certainly keep me busy with my one char than normal.
I wonder if this tripwire has enough BZZT in it...
Re: [Free Beer!!]Level Cap "Alteration"...(Blueprint Perks)
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2010, 08:45:41 pm »

All I want to say is that being able to develop a character after hitting the levelcap - this way or another - is what this game trully miss.

So many topics have already been opened about it that I don't really feel like digging the links up, but definitly +1.
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