Other > Closed suggestions
Flower Gardens?
How about those little white flowers you get....If you drop them on the floor and use brahmin shit on them (using 'use tool') then X amount of time later another flower grows, one extra flower per shit, but only one shit per flower whilst it's growing.
This could be nice as people could decorate their bases and tents, and it would allow another way of employing lower level characters to do your work (spreading manure) for a few caps. Good for RP, good for new players and good for monte's quest in the Boneyard?
...What do you think?
And who does most becomes King of Flowerland?
hmm... make it mutie man eatting flowers and maybe it'll catch on..
but if you're a mean evil PKing gang of "take over the wasteland" types, are you really going to plant flowers?
other than that, if you could grown stuff like fruit and fiber plants that might catch on..
but other wise i like the idea.
however, for giving lower levels something to do, i normally find people who are new/just got kiilled and give them a low grade weapon and have them back me up while hunting mobs, its not role playing but than again if anyone started any serious role play it'd take a few GMs guarding them to have them even last for a few minutes heh.
I understand you're point about the, nasty raider type lots...but what about the other factions, the "NCR Happy Guys" for example... It still could be nice to have a few flowers for the peace loving factions, for example i'm working on setting up an in-game news channel, mainly full of passive characters trying to spread news, and report on attacks, interview the victorious....Sure...we're going to get killed lots but the motto will just have to be really motivating...if you have any ideas let me know.
But not everyone in fallout is out to kill, kill, kill. Some of us want to make the wasteland a better and more civilized place. :)
Also with the fruit and fibre plants, that is a good idea but the dev's might say no as if there was that much useful stuff available so easily the bases wouldn't be worth as much.
At first I loled, but then again, why not? It doesn't sound that stupid and as long as it is optional and implementable, why not. :)
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