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EDITED: Is Australia Supportive of Gaming?

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Mr Feltzer:

--- Quote from: Roachor on May 08, 2010, 09:07:22 pm ---That's hilarious, that's like having a drug convention in Singapore. Who would want to have a gaming convention in the center of anti-gaming legislation/censorship?

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Dude, Where do you get youre Info. There is No Anti-Gaming Legislation here, Apart from Releasing R18+ Games in Stores. :P

Australia has the highest "morality" standards for gaming and the industry usually tones everyone's games down to make them acceptable in Australia which apparently thinks their population doesn't have the maturity to play uncensored games. Australia and Germany are 2 of the biggest reasons the adult gaming market is being stifled. (I'm not talking about porn games).

Mr Feltzer:
Dude, The Only Game iv Ever heard of where the Gore Graphics had to be reduced was LFD 2. 0_o Well, Gaming is Fine here... If You say we dont have much gore, Holy Shit USA must be fucking intense,

The needle injection animations were dropped from fallout 3 and the names changed from morphine to med-x because of Australia among others.

Mr Feltzer:

--- Quote from: Roachor on May 12, 2010, 12:21:19 am ---The needle injection animations were dropped from fallout 3 and the names changed from morphine to med-x because of Australia among others.

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Woah, Needle inJect Hahhah! that would have been awsum. Yeah But I Didnt Really Know it was Affectin other countries :(
*Walks down the the Palament house*
"I R Chargin MahLazer Lolololol"
*Shoots kevin rudd in the fuckin face*


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