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Metro 2033 and mod for Fallout 3

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But you might be right Alvarez, I'll try to make 1st episode first :D

Ah yes, don't forget to mention that's a hommage on 2033/34 and a mere test run, or there will be massive amounts of rage from some rash Gluhovsky-loving reviewers.

Metro 2033 was great because of it's linearity. It told a story, had great atmosphere and characters and reminded me a lot of half life but without constantly being alone. Superb game.

It was really good, but lacked a bit of the story. For one, who didn't read the books there are so much things missing..
Also it was too short. But yes, it was an overall good game.

Yeah it definitely made me want to read the book, it's hard to convey political struggles in a videogame.


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