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Changelog 15/04/2010

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--- Quote ---- Diminishing killing xp disabled.
--- End quote ---

One step forward and two steps back?
Yay. Another season of senseless alts everywhere. :)


--- Quote from: Hololasima on April 15, 2010, 01:21:52 pm ---You can do this too.

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--- Quote from: Hololasima on April 15, 2010, 01:29:41 pm ---You can level new char against everyone too so where is problem.

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--- Quote from: Hololasima on April 15, 2010, 02:26:49 pm ---You can get any build too. Just make Big Gunner tank and good Sniper. You cant or you dont know how ? Your problem

--- End quote ---

Ok, I'll answer again:

--- Quote from: RavenousRat on April 15, 2010, 01:27:26 pm ---So what reason in XP then? Let's start all 21st levels and don't waste our time! Everyone is 21st from begin, speak to NPC to get BA/CA2 or any other armor you want, speak to other NPC who will give you any weapon you want, 3rd NPC will give you x10 of all drugs and x100 stims+superstims.

--- End quote ---

You can do this too! You can make this too! He and I can make this too! We can make this too!

Let's all quit this game, because you can do it too. And go kill yourself, because you can do it too.

So what? Why do we need balancing BG/SG, when if SG>BG or SG<BG we can play all only for SG or BG in 2nd case. I'm not crying or arguing that will disbalance something, or make someone weaker, it's simple way to test alot char-builds, nothing more. As I said, removing XP diminishing is excellent for testing, but it'll kill normal gameplay.
About making PvP-char, I don't want, because as I said somewhere, I don't want to have char who can only shoot and... shoot. I have enough apm(atleast watching some TCs videos... these guys 100% haven't played any RTS like warcraft or starcraft, because they move/click with cursor like crippled zombie of turtle) and MY(without server's lags) inet-connection to play pure PvP, but I simply don't find it fun, that's the one of 3 reasons why I don't use pure PvP chars. The second reason is: it's boring to level up only by what this character can do: shoot. And third: I want to be independent, play when I want and how I want, don't want to have kind of duty or something, and where you saw PvP-loner, where there're always 3-4 guys camping? Yes, with this feature all PvPers will be happy, and that's good, because we're beta-testers, we must test everything. With fast leveling everyone will have 10000 alts with different builds.

At least devs got the community's response at XP diminishing.
The next step will be your responses in a week, when the new changes start to work(or not) with higher amount of lvl21-players.

Btw. How many hours roll back that was? Server just crashed... and it rolled back me a bit... hmm... by a lot?

I did not see this one coming. Thanks devs! /bow


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