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Author Topic: Today's NCR explosion  (Read 5951 times)

Re: Today's NCR explosion
« Reply #30 on: April 15, 2010, 07:00:07 am »

You can make bombs with your character A, then you can create character B, with grenades (character A can craft it alot and it's perfect for fast XPing at low lvl) and quests (3rd level already) get his level really fast. So... this suicider always will have different names, i can even give him leather jacket (complete quest at NCR), so he'll look like normal player with 40-50 HP and leather jacket, how do you know he is suicider? :P
1) It's always new character. Different name, 0 karma.
2) Wearing leather jacket. So... you don't think he can even steal something or, of couse, suicide.
3) Ahhhhhh! Beware every bluesuiter and male/female in leather jacket! They can explode themself!

4) I can even craft leather armor and any weapon for special targets!

i loled at your reasoning
Re: Today's NCR explosion
« Reply #31 on: April 15, 2010, 01:03:13 pm »

i loled at your reasoning
It was 12th February, a bit old message.
Really, after wipe, my suicidal bombers (even if I need to bomb someone insensibly) can wear metal armors and has over 80 HP, but who need that, when my known bomber simply exploding for fun, and, as I said, I trying to explode empty bluesuiters/leather jacketers+low tier weapon or empty brahmins/mercs, yes... sometimes they're not empty, but they standing there whole day. If you see me exploding guy in metal/CA without warning and even without shouting "MUAHAHAHAHAHA", then this is damned PK. If I wanted to make NCR as hell, I could did that long time ago, like planting over 20 dynamites with 2-3 minutes delay after each explosion near workbrench, always explode banker and all traders, but I don't want this. I bombed over 30 dynamites, may be over 40, and killed not so many players, only around 40-45 players (for last few days, because I just started).
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