Other > Closed suggestions

sten gun katana

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uh the sten gun is pretty much the grease gun isn't it ? its like that ww2 german gun isnt it ? and the katana thing should just be the ability to craft yakuza blades.... id say bring in the weapons from fallout tactics if anything man they looked the same in the interface didnt they? ....

Katana in the game? Ehh that doesn't sound realistic because it takes quite some work to make such a sword and I don't think that the people after a post apocalyptic war would still have the knowledge to make it. Not to speak about the fact that its in America and lets be honest how many Americans even now know how to properly make a Katana...

Now offtopic: About Samurai's vs European warriors, look at it from this side the reason why Europeans were so heavily armored was because they moved in formations and acted as almost indestructible walls. Trust me those Samurais would not come close to killing a Spartan Phalanx or Roman testudo formation. Against those arrows didn't work and you had to come close to fight them. And a Spartan spear is always longer then a samurai sword, and I seriously doubt those light weight armors would hold a spear penetration.

Plus on a side node by the time Katana was available Europeans already had basic handguns and canons. And if we look at the overall military efficiency the largest empires were always of European origin. Be it in the pre-christian era, middle ages or even gunpowder era.

offtopic Bah, I'll beat you all by bringing in the mongolian riders! Their arrows would make shishkebab out of both the samurais and the european heavily armored troops.


grease gun

BUT I say as corosive, bring in weapons from tactics (yes i enjoyed FoT very much, poor story but the gameplay was good, just sad it was so linear)

nice sten you can make one of those on your kitchen table,and sten was british,was produced in underground factories acros all europe durning ww2.
Crafting long blade is certainly more dificult than making plasma rifle,or minigun so i am starting to build one of those(i mean plasma rifle:)

Well, In my opinion you can forget about katana. We have already Wakizashi Blade in the game which can be used as a sword you described. Just it is not implemented.


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