Other > General Game Discussion
~DisbandParty Info
im wondering how the command "~disband party works, it would be nice to get some info, espeshily (if) i get on my main, like, how do the characters act twards you when you use the command? can you still make them follow you after that command? or do they just talk like they do with others try to talk to them?
Well, I bought a ghoul slave, took him to my test and entered ~disbandparty so I could buy more slaves. Now, when I talk to this ghoul he has the same dialog as the first character you meet (the one that gives advice). I assume that a slaver could re-enslave this npc, but I haven't tested it (I'm not a slaver).
aaah, good to know, but were does that leave mercs? are they enslaveable?
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