Trust me guys, I've played a high level Shotgunner for a long time, tested each damn shot-gun weapon, ofc pankor is the best choice, but it deals shitty 30-60(i got 60 only once) out of about 150-300 shots vs a heavily armored unit, what it really needs is pure damage, or a -DR, although the damage may seem nice at first look, when it comes to combat and all the DR and DT calculations, it is reduced significantly, if only this damn shells had some -DR or a damage multiplyer, it would solve the problem for sure, no need doing any experiments with knockbacks, it won't help, such damage won't save you if you fight some guy with 8+EN and a lifegiver in CA, he'll just stand up and nail you, just to compare, a decent BG(my BG last season) dished out something like 60-110 damage per burst VS a CA guy(as far as i remember, but anyway, a rare guy stood 2 bursts in a row), (not point blank range ofc)