Other > Closed suggestions

Only 2x your merc limit worth of slaves waiting

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I prefer slaves being linked to mercenaries. If its Ch/2-2 or Ch/2-1 or Speech over 60, 50 or whatever I didn't really think of the details as it was just an initial concept.

I also prefer it having to be something that requires levelling and investment, so that you can't create many alts and set up private mines for them in 5 minutes.

10CH, magnetic personality, 300 speech -> 9 mercs + 19 Slaves - would be quite a sight :)

Frozen Mind:
But you can't tag 4 skills: Weapon handling, outdoor, first aid, speech.

As a man who played more than 6 months with a slaver character (having a fun without restrictions) I have to say, that you would need now to have all listed above skills to be a good slaver, because:

1. No weapon skills -> how would you manage to bring guy to 0 hp or below? -> You can't have big guns, because you'll only kill every potential slave. Also slave-able NPCs have low energy resistance so it's another barrier.

2. No outdoor -> you'll be killed on center of the map, where are most of faction bases and tents. Besides you have to seek and take a long trip to find specific type of it -> Any level of path finder makes harder the seeking of wanted kind of NPC. You have to click more, you have less encounters in same time. So you won't be a good people transporter (having high charisma) because of low speed.

3. No first aid -> You have to heal yourself after fight you were trying to not kill slaves. You need to heal yourself and slaves. Otherwise good luck in waiting to hp restore above 0 or more (to be safely transported to base/tent).

4. No speech -> you'll be able to have ... maximum 4 slaves (with magnetic perk). So what you gonna do with it, Sherlock? 4 slaves (not mercs) can be killed in seconds with a high level combat character, especially with drugs taken. So it won't protect my tent or myself while travel well. And where ale slaves to trade? I can't see any.

And: Bringing to 0 or below is a damn hard think, harder than just killing them with a burst or critical eye hit killing your merchandise. Having luck higher than 5 is also next damn obstacle, because your gun won't be predictable (with damage taking with it). So you won't be a good warrior too.

Being a good slaver will be equal to having a crippled character. Even if you won't need speech on high level.

Before the wipe my team raided base protected by about 40-50 slaves on the entrance and 4 mercs. We had 10 fully armed men, only few of them were on 21st level. We lost 2-3 guys out there. So this protection is a shit anyway. I really like being slaver but today I still have no any character for that because of this limits.

Agreed you need FA or a ton of stims, outdoor is essential to finding slaves and avoiding losing them to encounters and one weapon skill, there's not enough room for speech.

maybe add a fourth tag skill when you reach the slaver proffesion on speech?


--- Quote ---Weapon handling, outdoor, first aid, speech.
--- End quote ---

Hrm, I wouldn't say you need all of the first 3 tagged or you're screwed. Decisions and consequences, good things.


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