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What's with the instakill crits?
--- Quote from: _Youkai_ on April 11, 2010, 08:52:55 pm ---For snipers, enemy has to be far away (40+ hex) to shoot first, less than this, BG probably will throw you on the ground with a bazooka.
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so same as i said, you are same dangerous just in close distance you are more vurnerable, but all characters are more vulnerable in close distance so this can hardly be even counted.
--- Quote from: Kilgore on April 11, 2010, 08:51:09 pm ---Yeah :D I placed today 229-HP hit with a desert eagle (84% deterioration) - not into creature, but the other player. Feel the power!
Solar, the problem is that you nerfed bigguns (decreased their range DECISIVELY, as 5-10hex range is a lot, decreased DMG adjust in AP ammo, made 5mm ammo/rockets/223 ammo more time-consuming to craft) and at the same time, you brought back instakills (which is a shitty idea but I told it long ago)... is that what you call balancing things? Wrong, dude, you'll now receive opposite whine (SG too powerful, BG nerfed) and it's true.
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Hm, it was only -5 range, damage reduction was very minor (simply to make the jhp/ap cross at the right point, 5mm and .223 are much faster to craft now ... and I dislike instakills as much as the next person :P
BG are still fine, eye shots are currently too good. No need to panic.
Also, there should be no change to knockouts stacking.
--- Quote from: vedaras on April 11, 2010, 08:58:46 pm ---you are same dangerous just in close distance
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Not true. If you are talking about SGs tha use SMG, p90s could be. But not sniper who has to aim twice.
--- Quote from: RavenousRat on April 11, 2010, 08:28:34 pm ---Why hunting rifle? You can do it with Desert Eagle, looks cool and like in movie! +you don't need to waste .223 ammo! And if you die, you can go to mine 1 time and craft the pistol again, then get 8 .44 FMJ and leather jacket from a tent and go again kill someone.
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this makes perfect sense and make more dynamic into the game. So dont just ignore a wastelander with a DE in his hand
last critical tablewas quite balanced, add more bypasses and will be perfect, dont know why you guys changed that table
we have to much lotery in pvp now dont mention about 35hex range of avenger ! theoretically is not that much, only 5 hex but in practice, it is really very much
today my team mate(avenger+2xbrd) shooted to one sniper in combat armor, form about 25hex and did him 30 and 55 dmg , after that he got instant kill, wtf ?
and that wasnt a open space! dont want to imagine how that will look in open place 56hex sniper vs bigguner :o
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