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Weapon Drop

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--- Quote from: Sius on April 11, 2010, 01:34:01 am ---
Anyway I look forward to see some NPC upgrades like level scaling, mob characteristics and such.

--- End quote ---

I can understand that different individual raiders/etc. would have different levels of skill, and that different areas may contain different types of encounters, but to have the world present you with level-scaled enemies is too much "gamism" for me.
Why would a high level character get high-level encounters? Fame? So weak things avoid and strong things seek out for challenge? Well, I wouldn't mind having SOME of that factored into game.

Im not asking for super-realism, but standard MMO gimmicks designed to make the world revolve around the player annoy the hell out of me. The world should be itself, with opportunities to affect it (hopefully), but the player should have to deal with the world as it exists.
Walk around rat area, meet rats.

Maybe the background FEV contamination (noted in FO2 converstions on Oil Rig) gives rats/etc. a minor psychic power to affect nerves. (Like a tiny fraction of what the Master/etc. had in FO 1.)

This would explain a gun-dropping muscle spasm.


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