Other > Suggestions
Make radio useful
i have few suggestions to make radio useful :) my english isnt good so i hope you understand me ;)
1. gang should have radio reciever in base, separately or integrated in gang terminal
should it be only reciever, for transmit player need own radio transmitter
it can look like this:
2. maybe hummer and vertibird should have radio reciever with transmitter
3. pipboy may have radio reciever-only upgrade, after hard quest indeed :)
4. color of voices.. every human has unique voice, it can be in game represented by colored square before message
if player know someone's identity he should be able to fill his name
hope i will see something of this ingame ;)
Very good idea with add this feature to gang terminal! Also add to Combat Armors radio too.
1. is something we talked internal already since before the wipe. But right now, it's not yet very good to get done, that's why we are still waiting for more freedom.
Thats one great idea up there and also great presentation. Sad its low prio right now :/.
Nice one. One addition though: make this gang radio terminal optional. This radio should be crafted, then installed into the terminal (who wants to go the easy way, huh? ;D). And maybe an ON/OFF option
The voice colour idea is nice, should be useful in smaller gangs
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