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Author Topic: Guards in guarded Cities  (Read 14060 times)


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Re: For Izual
« Reply #30 on: April 10, 2010, 10:17:33 pm »

NPC factions seem like the best way to add depth to the game. You join an NPC faction, you get a steady stream of repeatable quests. Delivery/Assassination/Clearing out a 'Dungeon'/Persuading/Rescue/etc. The more quests you do, the higher your standing in your faction, the more dangerous and rewarding quests you can do.

Even if in the beginning all the NPC factions have the same quests - Assassinate this guy opposing NCR expansion, whack this guy he owes the Wrights money, Take down this guy he's squatting in a farm on the outskirts of Modoc - it would still be a fun addition to the game. Especially if they could be assigned to a group of players.

aah NPC faction quests would be awesome, it also adds a reason to join a faction ;) And I guess not to make them too exploitable, make enemies in the quest non-lootable, maybe add a desk or something that contains some caps, becouse it would be pretty easy to get lots of weapons and stuff for free if they are fully lootable (NCR railroadgang, well its not exploitable, but if it where to be repeatable it would be an exploit).
Gussiplurr - active


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Re: For Izual
« Reply #31 on: April 10, 2010, 10:21:27 pm »

I'm really LOLed by your crying, people ;D Go on, continue increasing number of guards and their HP in guarded towns, and making them un-radeable, instead of making the game more realistic. Yeah.
P.S. FischiPiSti, your idea looks pretty interesting, but need a lot of corrections. You could try to post it to suggestions forum.
Re: For Izual
« Reply #32 on: April 10, 2010, 10:26:00 pm »

I'm really LOLed by your crying, people ;D Go on, continue increasing number of guards and their HP in guarded towns, and making them un-radeable, instead of making the game more realistic. Yeah.

Hell, let's go for realism. Nobody can take more than a few slugs to the chest before dying, no matter how many centaurs he's shot in the eyes. I submit that would make the game infinitely more manly.


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Re: For Izual
« Reply #33 on: April 10, 2010, 11:03:31 pm »

So realism is that the main city resisting against Raiders has to be pillaged by a few level 21 players ? Well...
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
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Re: For Izual
« Reply #34 on: April 10, 2010, 11:31:46 pm »

So realism is that the main city resisting against Raiders has to be pillaged by a few level 21 players ? Well...

Remember that the whole city is represented only by a few NPCs. Fallout canon might say that they have some nasty technology and such but ingame its reflected just by that they are having doctor in the city that can teach you some stuff and they are considered lawful town. And when few 21 lvl players raid such town then its like 2 or 3 guards for one raider. So if like 30 NPCs can represent whole town then 10 players can represent large raid attacking the city borders. But of course NPC does not equal to player and they are like sitting ducks when it comes to gang vs guards combat.

This could be solved either by that NPCs would use level scaling pretty much the same way as players do (at least humanoid NPCs and non-bosses etc.) so guards in cities would equal to 21 lvl player. And since NPCs are stupid as hell then they have to be boosted through stats to balance the difference between them and players.
Another solution would be to make towns reflect what they are supposed to be more closely ingame. So instead of barely 30 npcs in the town we would have 100+ and of course larger maps, city districts etc...


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Re: For Izual
« Reply #35 on: April 10, 2010, 11:39:24 pm »

So that's what I am saying, guards need improvements. Also, cities NPC amount is quite the same as Fo2's one, and Fo2 was designed for single player. The idea of NPCs calling for backup is a good solution, too.
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"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer
Re: For Izual
« Reply #36 on: April 10, 2010, 11:43:43 pm »

The idea of NPCs calling for backup is a good solution, too.

I think that's in TLA. I remember dicking around in Klamath, punching my way through the Buckners, but then some leather jacketed Bounty Hunters appearing and blowing me away.


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Re: For Izual
« Reply #37 on: April 10, 2010, 11:46:22 pm »

Yes, but afaik it's quite unbalanced in TLA, (Backup in APAs in Modoc or something like that =O).
My Youtube channel.

"Another problem is that we listen to the vocal players, who in many cases are wrong-headed."
- J.E. Sawyer


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Re: For Izual
« Reply #38 on: April 10, 2010, 11:48:29 pm »

We have similar as well, but it's deactivated right now, due to some mysterious 50s sci-fi-esque pseudo-science.


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Re: For Izual
« Reply #39 on: April 11, 2010, 12:13:42 am »

I'm really LOLed by your crying, people ;D Go on, continue increasing number of guards and their HP in guarded towns, and making them un-radeable, instead of making the game more realistic. Yeah.
P.S. FischiPiSti, your idea looks pretty interesting, but need a lot of corrections. You could try to post it to suggestions forum.

k lets be realistic, you are fucked by vc turrets. Now lets get you realistic result in game, you shoot guards you are dead and your stuff is gone.
Re: For Izual
« Reply #40 on: April 11, 2010, 12:16:41 am »

Yes, but afaik it's quite unbalanced in TLA, (Backup in APAs in Modoc or something like that =O).

Hey, we've got CA, miniguns and laser rifles up there. It's a pretty small jump.


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Re: For Izual
« Reply #41 on: April 11, 2010, 04:07:21 am »

We have similar as well, but it's deactivated right now, due to some mysterious 50s sci-fi-esque pseudo-science.

The "grey ones" captured your technology and are holding a gun to your head while writing this? :D ;)


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Re: For Izual
« Reply #42 on: April 11, 2010, 01:08:31 pm »

I will say, that maximum amount of HP for guards, shouldn't be more, than the most powerful mutant (450 HP). Not 9999, not again, please. Safe cities shouldn't be really totally safe, they only should be safer, than non-guarded.
Re: For Izual
« Reply #43 on: April 11, 2010, 01:21:15 pm »


strikes back  ;D :D

also ignore vederas in this thread, as he would like VC guards and patrols to be invincible to spread more bullshit about how powerful is VC (in fact, it always got raped by PK gangs  :D and could be defended only by Solar/Izual spawning shitloads of additional guards with MINIGUNZ and all)

Also, Izual, is 21 lvl character considered as something bad? :) Umm it's interesting


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Re: For Izual
« Reply #44 on: April 11, 2010, 01:35:32 pm »

I will say, that maximum amount of HP for guards, shouldn't be more, than the most powerful mutant (450 HP). Not 9999, not again, please. Safe cities shouldn't be really totally safe, they only should be safer, than non-guarded.

I agree that safe cities shouldnt be 100% safe, that means, you can suicide bomb in these cities, you can burst from 1 hex and then die in these cities, not kill 4 guards when whole city has like 20-30 of them but others do not come, and then kill everyone and loot without any consequences.
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