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Character types.
Hello. Well I am new to this game (kinda because I have played Fallout 1 and 2 before) but it seems the tactics and builds of characters in the single player games doesn't fit here well. I want to make a good character with a lot of Stealth, Steal and Lockpicking, 10 agility for sure.
But what els I need, what perks to get and traits as a start... I don't want to mark small guns, since in boneyard I can get 60% at level one + free pistol and some rounds. So I plan to start with Stealth Steal and Lockpick for the skills (~50% all as a start) I need high intelligence too to get more skill points, I dont prefer high HP and endurance at all. So I think strenght wont be needed much.
My question is, whats the minimum of str, char, endurance to set at a start. And do I get at some point another chance to place 1-2 more points in my stats again ?
My last character was with this build and now its level 4.
str 3 fast shoot since at 40%
per 7 small frame sneak at 91%
end 6 lockpick at 92%
char 3 steal at 90%
int 7
agi 10
luck 6
So yeah I want to make a sneaky character, that can steal and pick every lock, less detectable and one shot kill machine :D
And another question how to make a sneaky sniper character, and whats the basics of a sniper character too.
Also give me the main and most typical character types you know that people make in FO :)
Thank you in advance, hope you read all of this, so you can get me straight :P
Although I've never really used sneak, lockpick or steal, this is what I've noticed so far. First of all, sneak is next to worthless ATM. I'm guessing it was just overpowered heavily so it got nerfed. Lockpick I'm sure has it's place, but from what I've seen, there aren't very many containers/doors to unlock around the game. Not to say that there won't be, but right now your options seem fairly limited. Steal can actually be quite useful if you get away with it. People will not like you very much, but hanging around in NCR I've been stolen from many times. If successful, you can steal plenty of good items from people, but beware: if you fail while in a guarded town, you will be flagged and anyone can kill you. As far as stealing from NPCs, someone else is going to have to fill that in because I know at some point you could steal from just about any NPC but I think some things have changed. Science is mostly used in harvesting/crafting so if that's the path you want to take, you should invest some points in that.
The SPECIAL stats you've shown look a lot like a gun character. Actually almost exactly like the one I made today. You should be able to get most good gun perks like bonus rate of fire (which is currently not working, but should be eventually), weapon handling, and bonus ranged damage. I think you can also get lifegiver and toughness, which will help greatly if you're a PvP character.
Your strength will only affect your hit % on guns that require a ST more than 3, which is a good number of them. But high skill or weapon handling perk will take care of this.
6 EN will give you a good hp when you reach lvl 21 (the level cap ATM).
3 CH is the minimum to talk to most traders, which is fine. The only other place CH is used afaik is when leading people in a group, and with three, you should be able to take two other people with you.
Thank you very much about the replay, but there is another question.
How is stealth useless ATM. I mean, dose it work at all ? Or you just need very high skill to work properly ? And dose it work for normal critters and NPC's or it dosent work at all :D
Also do you think, or have any info if the stealth will be fixed to work like should be.
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