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Author Topic: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition and Reloading Tool  (Read 3235 times)

Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition and Reloading Tool
« on: April 08, 2010, 04:22:49 pm »

Hey everyone , im here to present you my idea about shotgun shells.
shotgun's in FOnline 2238 it's kinda weak  in the PvP and PvE

I think that 3 kind's of shotgun ammo will be a good idea.

My First Suggestion - 12 Gauge Shotgun Shell, 12 Gauge Flechette, Gauge R. Slug Shells

1. 12 Gauge Shotgun Shell,

the shotshell that already we have in game

Caliber     12-gauge
AC modifier    -10
DR modifier    0
Damage adj    1/1
Weight    22 grams

Crafitng Requirements:



2. 12 Gauge Flechette

Unlike standard shotgun rounds, which fire a dispersing cloud of round-ball shot, flechette rounds are designed specifically for antipersonnel applications against unarmored or armored targets. Although the primary propellant charge and wadding scheme remain the same, the round-ball shot is replaced with a cluster of small darts, typically forged from carbon steel or a harder metal. Armor-piercing flechettes can be made from tungsten, osmium, or even depleted uranium for large weapons.
This ammunition can be devastating against poorly armored humans and creatures.  

Caliber     12-gauge
AC modifier    +15
DR modifier    -25
Damage adj    2/1
Weight    27 grams

Crafitng Requirements:

Gunsmith lv 1



[Notes] Good For fighting with a mobs, so new players can exp in similar rate as PK's

3.12 Gauge R. Slug Shells

Solid-slug shotgun ammunition. The Rifled slug is a devastating projectile at short to medium ranges. However, its minimally-aerodynamic architecture limits its range, so a shotgun slug possesses superior ballistic characteristics over short ranges, but lacks the long-range lethality of a rifle round.

Damage is increased against individual, armored targets, but burst shots will rarely hit multiple targets. Good for better armored enemies ( PK )

Caliber     12-gauge
AC modifier    0
DR modifier    -40
Damage adj    1/1
Weight    27 grams

Crafitng Requirements:

Gunsmith lv 2




And my Second suggestion -  Reloading Tool

With Reloading Tool player's can safely make Pistol and Shotgun ammo in His\Her tent without needing to travel to town where He\She can be easily killed by PK's, Of course advanced ammo and all weapons still need to be made with use of workbench and/or ammo terminal.

Reloading Tool Craftable Ammo List:

#  10mm JHP.

#  10mm AP.

# .44 Magnum FMJ.

# .44 Magnum JHP

# .45 Caliber.

# .9mm ball

# 12 Gauge Shotgun Shells

Crafitng Requirements:

Gunsmith lv 1




What do you think?

« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 10:07:57 pm by Wilk »
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Re: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition
« Reply #1 on: April 08, 2010, 05:24:24 pm »

It can be great, Jackhammer will be usefull.


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Re: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition
« Reply #2 on: April 08, 2010, 05:24:40 pm »

i think we should stick with what f1 and f2 provided to us :>


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Re: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2010, 05:34:55 pm »

Those are great, basically every gun should have additional ammo other than ap and jhp. I'd kill for effective .44 ammo. However, first things first. The present guns  and ammo need balancing, no reason to add new or we get power creep.
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  • frikkin' SledgeHammer
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Re: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition and Reloading Tool
« Reply #4 on: April 08, 2010, 06:02:19 pm »

Slugs i support but the flechette seems OP even with +40 DR. Remember, that armor bypassing crits are very common now!
A CAWS does 80 dmg/burst on average btw, and its very accurate too, i dont think thats weak for a shotgun..
HtH suggestions: Melee: +DR(PA)
Unarmed: +AC(active sneak should boost AC as they are "less visible")
General "class" idea pool in the form of new perks with high skillrequirements:
Re: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition and Reloading Tool
« Reply #5 on: April 08, 2010, 06:32:25 pm »

Slugs i support but the flechette seems OP even with +40 DR. Remember, that armor bypassing crits are very common now!
A CAWS does 80 dmg/burst on average btw, and its very accurate too, i dont think thats weak for a shotgun..

CAWS is not weak, but he has big requirements, Lv 3 gunsmith and HQ ore and HQ minerals so i think it's not very common right now, when i was writing this suggestion i was thinking about low tech shotguns, like sawed off shotgun and Combat Shotgun. So low level players has a chance to faster exp on mob nad little more chances vs Pk's. BTW what do you think about reloading tools?
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Re: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition and Reloading Tool
« Reply #6 on: April 08, 2010, 06:33:45 pm »

or you could loot em from caves, if they are similar to the ones pre-wipe
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Re: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition and Reloading Tool
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2010, 07:06:55 pm »

Hey there, first , I like the way you presented the idea.  I think the third is good, it is a more accurate and stronger type if I correctly understand. Anyway, I think I would stick to the red ones, they have more spread and better chance to hit on burst because of the AC modifier, and I love burst  ;), and I don't think the shotguns are weak.   The second type of ammo I don't understand, could you explain a bit about the modifiers?

I like the idea +1  ;)


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Re: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition and Reloading Tool
« Reply #8 on: April 08, 2010, 07:10:22 pm »

well, i can explain his way of thinking, the flechettes add +40% to the target's damage resistance, but does x2 damage, and the normal shells will be pretty useless, because of the fact that the +10 cth gets pretty much nullified in the higher skill levels.
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Re: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition and Reloading Tool
« Reply #9 on: April 08, 2010, 07:18:43 pm »

well, i can explain his way of thinking, the flechettes add +40% to the target's damage resistance, but does x2 damage, and the normal shells will be pretty useless, because of the fact that the +10 cth gets pretty much nullified in the higher skill levels.

Then maybe  A

AC modifier    15
DR modifier    -20%

 will fix this or maby make it harder to made? what do you think?
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 07:25:34 pm by Wilk »
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Re: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition and Reloading Tool
« Reply #10 on: April 08, 2010, 07:21:54 pm »

no point really, i support the second suggestion to the fullest really, having that machine will really ease up my 10mm factory.
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Re: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition and Reloading Tool
« Reply #11 on: April 08, 2010, 07:27:46 pm »

Now I understand the flechettes  :). About the normal shells: how does the level affect the chance to hit? isn't it the armor you are wearing? Still I don't think you could dodge a shot from a shotgun... ;D
Re: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition and Reloading Tool
« Reply #12 on: April 08, 2010, 07:30:01 pm »

Now I understand the flechettes  :). About the normal shells: how does the level affect the chance to hit? isn't it the armor you are wearing? Still I don't think you could dodge a shot from a shotgun... ;D

Yes, but this ammunition is made about 200+ years after the last ammo factory was closed, so it's not brand new, it's homemade so it's more inaccurate.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 10:16:31 pm by Wilk »
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Re: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition and Reloading Tool
« Reply #13 on: April 08, 2010, 07:36:00 pm »

More ammo more tactics, you have my vote :P
Damn, I am dreaming of at least two different ammo types for Energy weapons...sweet dreams.


  • frikkin' SledgeHammer
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Re: Various Types of Shotgun Ammunition and Reloading Tool
« Reply #14 on: April 08, 2010, 11:29:07 pm »

More ammo more tactics, you have my vote :P
Damn, I am dreaming of at least two different ammo types for Energy weapons...sweet dreams.
Heh, yeah, but that just make them a modified SG build doesnt it? :P
Come to think of it, EW does work like SG, so its just a question of preference like one likes PEWPEW then EW, or BOOMHEADSHOT then SG.
EW needs more base damage, less crits imo :/ But this is offtopic..
HtH suggestions: Melee: +DR(PA)
Unarmed: +AC(active sneak should boost AC as they are "less visible")
General "class" idea pool in the form of new perks with high skillrequirements:
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