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Occasions for occasional player

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 Hello wastelanders,
 i am sending greetings from other world, world of duties, stress, lack of time. Maybe someone notice it, but i stoped play, left the faction, unistalled client. But, i am missing my friends from voice communication channel, my old teamates.

 I have not time for fonline and if i can spend any, it will be few hours per week, not per day. Also, the spring and summer and nice weather is comming. So, i have one big question. What occasions offers Fallout Online for players like me, who can spend 2-3 hours per week ingame?

 If i need to abreact myself, i spend one hour in L4D2 or TF2 multiplayer game, i (mostly) enjoy the session, then logout and i am satisfied. So, is there any similar occasion in fonline, kind of i will look forward, enjoy it with my teamates and i will be satisfied too? Remember, i dont think that level up my char from level 8 to level 9 is that kind of situation. And, of course, L4D or TF2 is not MMORPG, but, seriously, Fonline is not MMORPG too (with totaly absence of kind of backstory or at least any special or repetable quests).

 But, maybe, i forgot some famous game mechanism, entertaining, which will allow me to spend previously defined ammount of time with my old friends and i will enjoy that. This thread is meaned seriously, no flame or insultation, only answers please. Maybe reactions will help devs with define the way, where devs should spend their developing time.

 Thank you,


--- Quote from: Lordus on April 08, 2010, 02:04:26 am ---(with totaly absence of kind of backstory or at least any special or repetable quests)
--- End quote ---
I don't know any backstory in FOnline (there should be any?), but repetable quests - well, I know at least one, with bringing a shovel in exchange for a hammer/hatchet/knife and 100 xp for one guy in Hub. It is not much, but it is only beginning. I hope. Sure you can't level up your char this way, "shovel quest" is repeatable after couple days of real time.

2-3 hours in a week is not much indeed. You had this small amount of time before the wipe either? Maybe this is reason why you don't enjoy this game now - before you had much more time to level up your char and enjoy the game?

I strongly suggest you to keep on l4d and tf2, it that makes you happy.

You know that FOnline won't bring you any happiness soon, and when it does, it will be wiping, so your hours of hard work will be long gone. I, myself, barely have time for FOnline as well, but I have more than you, so I can still (kinda) enjoy it.

And well, winter is coming here by the time there is spring or summer, so I guess we're on a different mood. I'll most likely spend all of my hours home, so yeah, FOnline is for me, but if I were in summer then I would be far from it. FOnline is not on a fun phase, it's on a bug hunt and fixes phase. It's for players willing to help the game improve, not having fun at all.

Repetable quest... Try it come from the desert, ask to the Doc in San Francisco. Or ask to the Mayor, in Boneyard, he have problem with dogs.

Good repeatable quests, I guess for you people that dont know about that big green wiki button up there heres some good ones, I would know, I do them all the time, bear in mind i have a 10 int and 10 chr taxi/craft/energy build so I do get more rewards with a higher chr.

New Reno, Old man wrights quest, southern building on the eastern entrance on New Reno,

Modoc, Balthas' hide quest, its a trip between Modoc to Vault City to Modoc, youll have to talk to grisham and a brahmin guy named ed, quest xp is 900 and you get a jacket.

Grisham also has a repeatable quest that can be done about 25? minutes real time, its jerky delivery to either vault city, or ncr, and i think maybe the hub, im not sure.

Adytum(boneyard) The doctor lookin dude to the right by a tent will give you fetch quests, if you can get the needed items for these fetch quests its pretty good loot and xp.
the higher number of items asked for results in better xp and monetary reward,
i also noticed that i would get either 1 leather jacket or a shotgun and a 10mm pistol with 24 10mm ap and i think 24 shotgun shells.

I guess if anyone else needs help finding quests in general ive compiled enough information to get to about lvl 12 without ever really hunting much.


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