Other > Closed suggestions
PVP thoughts
Ok i made some thinking inside my head and this is what i have now. If you need clearification just post a comment.
This is to balance out the PK and give players more moral choises to think about.
Fits the world perfectly
PVP system:
If you attack someone you get flagged.
Target of attack can attack back without being flagged.
You stay flagged as long as you get killed.
Killing flagged people give good standings with NCR but lose standigs with Slavers and Raiders.
Killing people without flag makes you lose standings with NCR but gain standings with Slavers and Raiders.
Should flagged people be able to be killed by others without guards notice?
Go to a bountyboard, pay a price and type dudes name you want to flag.
If you are hated beware of being flagged alot!
This suggestion is open to more suggestions making this more better and balanced.
Lets see what you think!
//The system has flaws but could be used as basing for the final idea
1) Abuse NCR reputation with "bad" friend, get 1500 and you're "Idolized" and start kill everything you see in NCR and guards ignore it.
2) Flaging to show PKs may be isn't that bad, but only if it just shows you that he is a PK. Nothing more, if you attack him, it'll be the same if you attacked neutral player.
3) #2 almost useless, because you can know who's PK and who's not almost always yourself without any help.
This is too simple, the current reputation system has the potential to be used in bounty hunting: Killing players with good standing in vault city causes the killer to be hated in vault city and he gets his name on a bounty list in vc.
Something like this would be good inside faction system, no on it's own.
--- Quote from: RavenousRat on April 06, 2010, 02:17:46 pm ---3) #2 almost useless, because you can know who's PK and who's not almost always yourself without any help.
--- End quote ---
you missed the point there totally.
But, Yeah I actually rethought this and realized some of its flaws also game and fluff wise.
This actually makes the game more "game-like" which i hate. So I eat my words about "fits pefectly to the world" :D
I go back to my chamber now and come up with something better :)
Something about rewarding killing players on bountyboard would be nice. I suggest continuing the discussion from that point.. ->
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