Other > Closed suggestions

The Milita: Now a big pking tool

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Mr Feltzer:
Well it dosent make anything easy for N00bs, (( I Know youre gunna say "Wasteland is Tough, get used to it.. )) Its just not amusing, I was pwnt just then by some merc on main street of Redding, with a laser rifle and set on "Pwn all wastelanders you see" I Couldent even see here -_- <-- Off Topic.


--- Quote from: Mr Feltzer on April 05, 2010, 12:17:43 pm ---Well it dosent make anything easy for N00bs
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It wasn't meant to make anything easier for noobs. Besides noobs aren't fight in TC battles, so it is double nonsense.

There are good factions and bad factions. Next time, choose town with good faction.

Each time the issue comes back (and it's been since I've started to play, so well over a year), I've asked the same question - what on Earth are newbies doing in the North? I've never, ever seen a satisfying answer. It's always "because I want to go there" or some lulzy variation of "I have the right to be there" or the occasional pacifistic "but I roleplay, you have to write an explanatory essay if you want to shoot me!". At the very best it's "I didn't know it can be done elsewhere, thanks". There's absolutely no reason for a newbie to go there. Everything can be done some other place. Some quests are there, yeah, but they're supposed to be risky - and you can get that exp without getting the briefcase to Metzger. Not to mention the simple fact that if a guy marked you for death at the hands of Militia with his Mauser, he could've just as well blown your head off with a sniper rifle. And no, sniper rifle ain't cheaper than 15 militiamen.

Marlon Johny:

--- Quote from: Nice_Boat on April 05, 2010, 11:56:42 am ---So they're guarding it from you. Because they don't want you there. Because they can. Because it's their town they control. Don't like it? Don't go there. Or kill them all.

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So you call going around the town masacuring anyone who comes on the map using the milita and taking their stuff without warning and without asking them to leave guarding? I mean if they didn't want you there, couldn't they just ask you to leave?  


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