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Endless Walker

(1/5) > >>

Omg, how many AP does this guy have?

He walked 8 tiles then hit me 5 times in one round.

(Yes, I'm turn based)

AFAIK he has 15 AP.

Bad Ass Mother Fucker :( Almost got killed by that bastard. He has great resistance for normal dmg and too much AP :(

I know this is not an official thread, but I'm trying to make soundeffects for the new creatures, but I didnt even met some of them. :/
Could you please upload few screenshots of : the new toads, the 3d ants, the "walker", the new deathclaws, the new plants etc?

It would be great, since I could work a bit faster...

I believe that the claw ( it is obtainable as weapon in.. is it tactics?  *bad memory*) but attacks with it only cost 2AP.

I think he hit a crazie about 6-7 times and then walked another two so i would believe he has 14-16 AP at least. And he shouldn't be nerfed!

He is awesome the way he is ^^


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