Other > General Game Discussion

Ammo crafting Output

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Stop complaining, go on grinding! =)

Let's go to sabotage game!
What about 1 day not playing or staying and spamming in NCR?  ;D

I think only stupid ammo crafting is for rockets because it's really boring, just click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click and click again...

The only difference is that you craft half the amount, in half the time for half the xp. Simply craft another 50 and you get the same that you would have for crafting 100. Why is there unending whine about a couple of extra clicks?  :-\

Cause its not a COUPLE more clicks... When you make gunpowder, it is a boring clicking...
With every update this game goes further from playing and becomes more of a click-fest...

Use Easy Macro Recorder.


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