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Author Topic: Few Things to Add to the Game :)  (Read 1265 times)

Mr Feltzer

  • FOnline: Australia
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Few Things to Add to the Game :)
« on: April 05, 2010, 01:30:27 pm »

Well Everyone, This is an Open Discussion on a Few things Should be Added to the Game so Far.

1) Farming. ( There was a Post on this, It went on for ages. I have a Simplified Version. ) Players have the Ability to buy a Bag of Seeds, Say x10 Seeds.  With that they go to their tent, base or (HOME ENCOUNTER --> Further in Thread ) They use science on the seeds and 1 Seed is used, Then it refreshes the map Quickly and you are standing on a Plant seed ( With the Image of a xander root. ) After 10 IG days it becomes a Plant wich you can then harvest. Youre allowed 10 Max Plants, These plants include:
Mutated weat ( Weat should have a Simmilar Image to Fibre, ) ( Weat can be eaten and it adds +1 to Strength. ) ADDICTIVE

2) Home Encounter. It should be possible to find an encounter (Without any NPC's on it. ) And do a Command ~home This would then Save the map on youre world map, Then It is Saved. Going onto the FOnline Wiki you can discover the Commands,
~homepublic (Makes the Encounter public, say For Party's Events or Even a Trap for N00bs so the Pkers can come out and Pwn.
~HomePrivate (Revert it back to Private. )
The 2 Commands should have a 20 Minute timeout to prevent world map Spamming of lil' Green Dots :)

3) BuildBoy. This would be inside youre fixboy, You buy Schematics for an Object/Building and you go to where you want it, ( On base, Tent, Home ) And use Science. The Map Reloads and it is Placed right beside you. ( This is Reversable by using Science on a Little Marker Beside or Inside the Object. ) You would Also need Resources to Build Crap eg: 5 Wood, 3 Metal Parts and 1 Alloy to Build: Workbench.

4) Class Changing. ( Change youre Race When you Level Up. From Human to another Race. Reversable not by Moderators, But you need to level up Again. :D )

What does Thou Think?
Founder of Fallout Online Australia
Re: Few Things to Add to the Game :)
« Reply #1 on: April 05, 2010, 01:34:03 pm »

These would be some really good features and would be good for roleplayingsuch as haveing a home and such. I think they should give this a try.
Re: Few Things to Add to the Game :)
« Reply #2 on: April 05, 2010, 01:48:23 pm »

1.) You are too lazy that you are looking for on the map? Just that it is in the bases...
2.) I can't found utilization of this command except for the PK..
3.) Again,you are to lazy or you want workbwnch in tent? Just that it is in the bases,in each city and in private mine...
4.) If you elaborate a bit, so we can talk about it :)
Re: Few Things to Add to the Game :)
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2010, 05:27:52 pm »

Well Everyone, This is an Open Discussion on a Few things Should be Added to the Game so Far.
Useless, useless, useless..
Farming was done to death a million times and if devs like it, maybe they'll do it. So far they don't give a fuck and let you buy a base with plants growing around it, so go farm there.

Home what? Have you ever heard of tents? It does the same thing, and you can even share it with your friends if you create it together.
If you want an open place on map that everyone can see, you can go buy a caravan. Everyone sees those and in 5 minutes you'll get 20 people with miniguns happy to see you.

BuildBoy is exactly what FixBoy is. Except you need workbench for most things. Buy a base to have a private workbench. Adding static items to the map will not be possible in the nearest future and it was explained in the "chests" topic.

What you are describing is race changing. Not class. Fallout doesn't have warrior, magician, druid classes. And it'll be possible to make your own character in the nearby future with 3D models. Right now it won't work because apart from longhair and shorthair, models do not have animations for things. For example ghuls can't run at all. So your character would never be able to run unless he changed his race again.
<Izual> Let's crash server


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Re: Few Things to Add to the Game :)
« Reply #4 on: April 05, 2010, 05:37:49 pm »

Add more PvP zones more PvP modes more PvP skills  :o  more everything with PvP   -_-  even something stupid

Mania prześladowcza Wichury  ?
Przejdzie coś takiego ?
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Re: Few Things to Add to the Game :)
« Reply #5 on: April 05, 2010, 10:32:02 pm »

Add more PvP zones more PvP modes more PvP skills  :o  more everything with PvP   -_-  even something stupid
wtf does this have to do with the topic? Yes. Add "PVP" button which kills you when pressed.
<Izual> Let's crash server
Re: Few Things to Add to the Game :)
« Reply #6 on: April 06, 2010, 01:39:53 am »

 I like the build boy option :

same as fixboy but for building small bases ( only one of the usefull thing of normal bases ), furnitures or vehicles . Rather then buying a base it would be like tents making or in addition to tent making  a.k.a develloping your base camp step by step rather then becoming proud owner of an already running one . It could even end up with an all-player non-faction small town if they manage to set it well .

For " racial " changes ... hum would be better to have it as an option when creating a new caracter or as results of object ( there was one in fallout tactics to become a super mutant ) may be if you died too many times from radiations you could become a goul aswell ?
and yes gouls never runs ..hum exept if you first become the pale ones , ending up green if you take way too much cripple wounds and sun exposure ?

could also had "tribals" , children and eldery  to the possible options .

blue pyjamas were supposed to be vault dressing and not all wastelanders came out of vaults .

being able to choose from different background at creation and having an appropriate model for race or age would be fun .
it would also change the traditional blue suit hunt habbit based on visual habbits .

« Last Edit: April 06, 2010, 02:02:37 am by fouineur »
Re: Few Things to Add to the Game :)
« Reply #7 on: April 06, 2010, 02:04:25 am »

1. farmwille ?   ; o

Mr Feltzer

  • FOnline: Australia
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Re: Few Things to Add to the Game :)
« Reply #8 on: April 06, 2010, 02:05:03 am »

Well If you dont like the Idea, Just say No.. You dont have to be a Dickhead about it -_-
Founder of Fallout Online Australia
Re: Few Things to Add to the Game :)
« Reply #9 on: April 06, 2010, 03:17:17 am »

why shall it use seeds ?

fruit could do the job by it self : you plant the fruit  ... and get to harvest fruits and fibre alike those you find in wilderness  .

it shall cost both crafting and gathering time to seed  and again to harvest .



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Re: Few Things to Add to the Game :)
« Reply #10 on: April 06, 2010, 11:00:07 am »

1.) Suggested shitload of times. Yet its good one but imho very low prio for devs right now.
2.) I've suggested something similar. A base that would work like "market". You buy yourself a base with like 10 tents, tables and such and you could invite people to trade there via terminal. It should be somehow guarded (few respawnable NPCs come along with the base itself maybe) but the main idea was to create something like black market that is visible only for certain people. But if you change that market to from black to public then you would appear on world map.
Everyone could come and trade here while people who run the place would manage their barters. I mean you would get something like your own NPC trader and he would sell everything you put to his inventory for you keeping like 10% of the item price (if you set him to accept only caps or something like that) and at the end of the day you simply collect your stuff and resupply items at traders and you are ready for busyness next day...
3.) Lexx said he want something like this ingame asap but right now its way too difficult to introduce this because of technical issues. So we can expect it "soon".
4.) Imho when something like races is introduced it should not be possible to change during playing no matter what. You pick your race at the beginning and thats it.


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Re: Few Things to Add to the Game :)
« Reply #11 on: April 06, 2010, 11:28:32 am »

i dont like these ideas :/
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