Other > Suggestions

Electronic Lock ("numerical keypad") / Electronic Car Lock

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well im for electric locks but not on cars. thats goin a lil too far. i mean honestly its just a lil to much.


--- Quote from: Aricvomit on May 18, 2010, 07:48:25 am ---well im for electric locks but not on cars. thats goin a lil too far. i mean honestly its just a lil to much.

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Do you have any better ideas on how to make it so people will buy and use cars? Cause atm no one will use them because of the high risk of getting killed and losing something that costs so much to get in the first place. Right now getting a car is the same as throwing your money away.

im actually using a buggy as we speak, the best way in my opinion is to require a repair of 100 to pick a car, thats all :P


--- Quote from: Aricvomit on May 18, 2010, 08:23:27 am ---im actually using a buggy as we speak, the best way in my opinion is to require a repair of 100 to pick a car, thats all :P

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no offence, but thats horrable, people envest 30k+ in there cars unless they lucky find a random car (which i havent seen for over a month), and its taken by someone with a messly 100repair? that would wreck vehicals even more then it already is

Yeah, I'd definitely buy a car if they had electronic locks - carrying keys in inventory combined with full loot is pretty annoying... Actually, I'd welcome having both options: less expensive cars - a physical key, more expensive models - a keypad  ;)  


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