Other > Closed suggestions

World Map List

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With the recent addition of train stations, mines and other miscellaneous locations, there are a lot of things to do in the world, but only towns show up on the list of places when you're on the map. What we need is something like tabs on the right so you can select towns, train stations, mines, and points of interest. This would allow you to locate all the places without the already crowded location list becoming even more cluttered.

That'd be kind of useless..

The spots appear only after you discover them, and by then you remember where you found it. So unless you wander around without paying much attention, anything on the map that's interesting you already have remembered in your head.
Also, scroll wheel is your friend.

I personally don't use the tabs at all, as it's not effective to run a straight line from A to B. :p

Tabs are useless now - i wish to see some "sorting" for them first. Two little "up" and "down" arrows, that change current tab position. Maybe even "grouping" tabs (city, train station, mine, etc.) will make it usefull.

Wild idea: make your own paths on world map and not only straight lines from A to B. I mean some option how to edit tab so we would enter some "marker" mode. We would click at coords we want to travel through and make our own chain like path. So then instead of straight line from a to b tab clicking would follow preset path.


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