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Will this madness never end? why don't you just try another weapon if it's simply "impossible" for you crafting those damn rockets? You devs are really patient I have to admit. :D


--- Quote from: Neuromancer on April 01, 2010, 05:55:29 pm ---Hope that you finally understand that this issue wasn't about price in shops but about gathering.

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Price in shops = gathering time.
Every item gathered has a base price reflecting how many of them you can get in a set amount of time.

The price of a rocket is based on how long it takes to make one. So if you increase the price to 300 caps then it's obvious that the gathering time will also increase.

Please understand what Solar said a million times. Rockets are supposed to be expensive to make. And expensive means "takes a lot of time."


--- Quote from: Quentin Lang on April 01, 2010, 06:39:42 pm ---Yep, EP's aint any problem as you can get tons of them: Go V15, get 14 EP's from gathering them yourself and twice as more from killing other gatherers. Problem are thoes metal parts, altough its unlogical if a rocket wouldnt need them.

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Vault 15? I've never been there. But I got around 47-50 El. Parts at 2nd playing day after wipe. I wanted to sell 25 caps each, but everyone can get it themself easy and fast, so I just droped it all at NCR. Also... I being there even now (but not for el.parts, sometimes for meeting, if have no radio or something), and I've NEVER saw there ANY players. So you have 0% to be killed and get your 8365863 el. parts.

--- Quote from: Neuromancer on April 01, 2010, 06:43:34 pm ---First gather all of resources for 1-2 hours then make 10 rockets and then we talk.

Anyway - does some of you know sth about it?

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Yes, we(or I) know. Don't gather all types of resources at the same time.
I once got like ~200 junk at my tent... so I don't need to gather it anymore for very very very very very long time. But now... it's almost ended... anyway soon I'll get other 100-200.
Then I started to dig minerals and make like <insert here big number> gunpowder.
And then ~50 wood.
Now I simply need to get metal parts and I can craft whatever I want for SG prof that doesn't require HQ materials.

If I wanted to craft alot rockets, I did the same, but also get around 100 el. parts.

No, don't just focus on "gather el. parts... gather el. parts, ahh he have el. parts! kill him! el. parts... el. partsssss...", don't go so fanatic, gather el. parts on 21 min, CD, then go exploit something for caps... errr... I mean, do something, like killing brahmins or geckos or just XPing. Then in 20 min return and get another tone of el. parts. 1 day = <insert another big number> el. parts. and you don't need to get them anymore for very very very very very long time.

All you need is just dig some iron ore->metal parts, then get enough powder, el. parts and junk from your tent and craft your rockets.

Each recipe is worth $X. Rocket's recipe is worth $300.

Now each material is also worth a base price of $Y. This is then multiplied up by a factor, which as its never been explained before has no name, thus I shall dub it the "worked bonus". For normal materials this bonus is 2 and it functions to make something that has been used in a recipe worth more than just selling that base material at a trader.

This means that a material that has been used in a recipe contributes $2Y.

If something were only made from one material then X = N*2Y, where N is the number of items. So if a 10mm pistol was worth $100 and junk's base price was $25, then you would need 2 junk. (100 = 2*2*25)

Obviously we generally don't have just one raw material per recipe in general, so the total of N*2Y + M*2Z+L*2A+...for all the different materials equals X

For our case we have changed both the "worked bonus" (used to be 4) and the base price (I can't remember what it was since my computer just had to be wiped along with all my spreadsheets) but lets pretend it remained unchanged.

Now lets also presume X had remained unchanged, we would not have the same N, as 2Y does not equal 4Y, so the recipe would contain N/2, to be X = (N/2)*4Y in the old one, to match X=N*2Y in the new . So twice the number of junk would be required simply to MAINTAIN a price.

now we have 1.5X (50% increase). Let N equal the old number of junk in a recipe and still presume base price is unchanged (which I have no idea if it is).

X = N*4Y in the old recipe, 1.5X = 2*1.5N*2Y or 3N*2Y. A 3 fold increase in the number of junk for a 50% increase.

Now factor in the base price change and we the real change to N that you need to produce a 50% increase in the base price - its not simply a matter of 1.5N equalling a 50% price increase.

And yes, before its asked, you gather according to the base price too, so that is a constant.

Now, there is really nothing else I can add.

i think you realy lost him there - its simple item worth = material price * complication bonus (is it constant among tiers? i think it shouldnt ...)

as for the subject - i think that when you play one man army you should expect that you need an army to support you ...

if you will look at everything in matter how long time it takes me to collect it sure you will come to scary conclusions. You need to notice that rockets use the "noob" materials - no HQ stuff - look every noob geather those and at top of that slaves can geather them (the MP /gunpowder). Junk - junk i think will start coming from dissassembling (unless it was rly nerfed) and that will also reduce it market worth . probably only EP will have to be manuanly geathered - but the cd is low so you can get them easily yourself .... like always - brains > muscules

(another thing to notice : comparing RL to higher tier big guns - well basicly higher tier means better damage to ammo price ratio)


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