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Author Topic: Changelog 01/04/2010  (Read 23713 times)

Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #60 on: April 08, 2010, 11:01:53 am »

its times like these that i wish i listened to what my mother used to say when i was young.

Time can be bent, twisted, pulled and pressed, but it never breaks.


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Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #61 on: April 08, 2010, 11:03:01 am »

Any simple info from devs would be really nice.
Only people who are ready to die should be able to kill...


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Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #62 on: April 08, 2010, 11:49:32 am »

Any simple info from devs would be really nice.

I'm nice:



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Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #63 on: April 08, 2010, 02:02:43 pm »

Umm... just reviewing the 3D mobs. Deathclaw looks badass, He is exactly like he needs to look like, except the green thingy on its back just doesn't make it look right. As any other model - the red target indicator doesn't work. Dessert stalker is badass too, but it looks weird without a shadow and its attacking animation is too long. No target indicator and sound doesn't work too. Havn't seen any other 3D monster.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.


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Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #64 on: April 08, 2010, 02:29:05 pm »

The missing shadow and outlines are because of your graphic card, which most likely doesn't support the used shader.


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Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #65 on: April 08, 2010, 02:38:15 pm »

you use shaders 3.0 ?
I'm sorry for my poor English. Please correct me, I will learn
"Hell," said Tanner. "That's my name...." (с)


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Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #66 on: April 08, 2010, 07:39:46 pm »

Ummm... sorry, but you want to say that a Nvidia 6200 can't make shadows and outlines? it has 3.0 shaders, 256mb vram and it just can't show such plain stuff? That sounds just ridicolous! Van Buren models were made in somewhere like 2003 and it can't show such plain stuff? You must really be joking!
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #67 on: April 08, 2010, 07:53:58 pm »

The missing shadow and outlines are because of your graphic card, which most likely doesn't support the used shader.
I wonder, does someone know, what are the actual requirements for having everything display alright? :)
Edit: I mean I can play all modern 3d games without any trouble, but I can't see the highlights here. And it doesn't seem, that the graphics are so stunning, that my card is old for it.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 07:55:56 pm by Raegann »
Some folks got 'em and some have not
But these are the breaks
Break it up, break it up, break it up
Break down!
..guess who


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Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #68 on: April 08, 2010, 08:01:21 pm »

Ummm... sorry, but you want to say that a Nvidia 6200 can't make shadows and outlines? it has 3.0 shaders, 256mb vram and it just can't show such plain stuff? That sounds just ridicolous! Van Buren models were made in somewhere like 2003 and it can't show such plain stuff? You must really be joking!

FOnline is not Van Buren. It's not the same engine and it doesn't use the same technics. And yes, Van Buren models don't have shadows. In fact, no 3d model has shadows. They are generated in the game.

There was a bug thread somewhere about not visible outlines, etc. I wrote there that people shall post their fonline.log file. So far only a few people have done this.
« Last Edit: April 08, 2010, 08:04:06 pm by Lexx »
Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #69 on: April 08, 2010, 08:45:50 pm »

For me, I got instant disconnections all time when I'm close to exit grids to leave a place.

same  happens  for me  too.


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Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #70 on: April 08, 2010, 11:03:13 pm »

FOnline is not Van Buren. It's not the same engine and it doesn't use the same technics. And yes, Van Buren models don't have shadows. In fact, no 3d model has shadows. They are generated in the game.

There was a bug thread somewhere about not visible outlines, etc. I wrote there that people shall post their fonline.log file. So far only a few people have done this.

Doh! I fail, 1:0 Lexx is winning. Heres the log file
Code: [Select]
[Game Options]

Anything wrong with it?
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #71 on: April 08, 2010, 11:07:39 pm »

Doh! I fail, 1:0 Lexx is winning. Heres the log file
Anything wrong with it?
1. This is not a log file, this is FOnline.cfg. You're lookin' for FOnline.log.
2. I believe you should post it in the topic in bugs, which was already created.
Some folks got 'em and some have not
But these are the breaks
Break it up, break it up, break it up
Break down!
..guess who


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Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #72 on: April 08, 2010, 11:29:17 pm »

Doh, tripple FAIL!!! **** this. Where the hell do I find such a file, there isn't such a .log! Oh, now I found it! I got lucky because I almost did already a quad FAIL >.< I hope it is the correct file.
Code: [Select]
Starting FOnline (version 0173-4A)...

FEngine Initialization...
DirectInput init...
DirectInput init success.
Sprite manager initialization...
Sprite manager initialization complete.
Sound manager initialization...
Sound manager initialization success.
Loaded<139> critter types.
Resource manager initialization...
Resource manager initialization complete.
Bind all imported functions...success.
Resource manager initialization...
Resource manager initialization complete.
Resource manager initialization...
Resource manager initialization complete.
Resource manager initialization...
Resource manager initialization complete.
Resource manager initialization...
Resource manager initialization complete.
Resource manager initialization...
Resource manager initialization complete.
Resource manager initialization...
Resource manager initialization complete.
Resource manager initialization...
Resource manager initialization complete.
Resource manager initialization...
Resource manager initialization complete.
Resource manager initialization...
Resource manager initialization complete.
Resource manager initialization...
Resource manager initialization complete.
Resource manager initialization...
Resource manager initialization complete.
Resource manager initialization...
Resource manager initialization complete.
Animation3dXFile::GetXFile - X file not found, file<CR_HumanMaleNormal.x>.
Animation3dXFile::GetXFile - X file not found, file<CR_HumanFemaleNormal.x>.
Animation3dXFile::GetXFile - X file not found, file<CR_HumanFemaleNormal.x>.
Animation3dXFile::GetXFile - X file not found, file<CR_HumanFemaleFat.x>.
Animation3dXFile::GetXFile - X file not found, file<CR_HumanFemaleNormal.x>.
Animation3dXFile::GetXFile - X file not found, file<CR_HumanFemaleStrong.x>.
Animation3dXFile::GetXFile - X file not found, file<CR_HumanFemaleNormal.x>.
Animation3dXFile::GetXFile - X file not found, file<CR_HumanFemaleWiry.x>.
Animation3dXFile::GetXFile - X file not found, file<CR_HumanMaleNormal.x>.
Animation3dXFile::GetXFile - X file not found, file<CR_HumanMaleFat.x>.
Animation3dXFile::GetXFile - X file not found, file<CR_HumanMaleNormal.x>.
Animation3dXFile::GetXFile - X file not found, file<CR_HumanMaleStrong.x>.
Animation3dXFile::GetXFile - X file not found, file<CR_HumanMaleNormal.x>.
Animation3dXFile::GetXFile - X file not found, file<CR_HumanMaleWiry.x>.
Init iface...
Load data.
Signature<IntWAmmoCountStr> not found.
Signature<IntWWearProcentStr> not found.
Signature<RegWMain> not found.
Signature<TViewWMain> not found.
Signature<TViewBBack> not found.
Signature<TViewBEnter> not found.
Signature<TViewBContours> not found.
Load sprites.
Signature<TViewWMainPic> not found.
Signature<TViewBBackPicDn> not found.
Signature<TViewBEnterPicDn> not found.
Signature<TViewBContoursPicDn> not found.
Load sounds.
Init iface success
Items manager init...
Items manager init success.
Hex field initialization...
Hex field initialization success.
FEngine Initialization complete.
Network init...
Connecting to server<>.
Connecting successful.
Network init successful.
Auntification success.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<03wrldmp.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<218>...Hashes is: t<-378258114>, w<366067344>, s<-742722140>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<10labone.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<23world.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<221>...Hashes is: t<-402536839>, w<1905798687>, s<148469978>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<01hub.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<23world.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<239>...Load map<239.fomap> from cache fail.
Get map...239...New: Tiles Walls Scenery Old:. Map saved.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<239>...Hashes is: t<-1932047428>, w<1563291168>, s<-927044692>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
CFEngine::NetInput - SOCKET_ERROR while receive from server, error<WSAECONNRESET, 10054, An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.>.
Traffic transfered statistics, in bytes:
Send<11244> Receive<83113> Sum<94357>.
Disconnect success.
Network init...
Connecting to server<>.
Can't connect to game server, error<WSAETIMEDOUT, 10060, A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond.>.
Network init...
Connecting to server<>.
Connecting successful.
Network init successful.
Auntification success.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<239>...Hashes is: t<-1932047428>, w<1563291168>, s<-927044692>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<23world.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<168>...Hashes is: t<882651428>, w<-11471148>, s<1680143130>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<23world.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<169>...Load map<169.fomap> from cache fail.
Get map...169...New: Tiles Walls Scenery Old:. Map saved.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<169>...Hashes is: t<882651428>, w<-11471148>, s<-74695511>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<03wrldmp.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<161>...Hashes is: t<882651428>, w<-11471148>, s<1312926384>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<23world.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<566>...Load map<566.fomap> from cache fail.
Get map...566...New: Tiles Walls Scenery Old:. Map saved.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<566>...Hashes is: t<774297920>, w<-1820414521>, s<-577195764>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<23world.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<165>...Hashes is: t<882651428>, w<-11471148>, s<1370393104>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<23world.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<162>...Hashes is: t<882651428>, w<-11471148>, s<-1835526992>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<23world.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<503>...Load map<503.fomap> from cache fail.
Get map...503...New: Tiles Walls Scenery Old:. Map saved.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<503>...Hashes is: t<-1652268381>, w<-11471148>, s<-1887538777>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<23world.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<566>...Hashes is: t<774297920>, w<-1820414521>, s<-577195764>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<03wrldmp.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<164>...Hashes is: t<882651428>, w<-11471148>, s<-1132271211>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<23world.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<566>...Hashes is: t<774297920>, w<-1820414521>, s<-577195764>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<20car.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<566>...Hashes is: t<774297920>, w<-1820414521>, s<-577195764>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<03wrldmp.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<174>...Hashes is: t<-1968968525>, w<104236792>, s<-351166002>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<20car.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Global Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Change map...Unload map...Clear sounds...Clear critters...Ok.
Free resources...Ok.
Get hash of map, pid<239>...Hashes is: t<-1932047428>, w<1563291168>, s<-927044692>.
Load FO map...Load FO map success.
SoundMngr::LoadACM - File<07desert.ACM> not found.
SoundMngr::Load - Unable to load sound.
Local Ok.
Chosen parameters...Ok.
Traffic transfered statistics, in bytes:
Send<29734> Receive<206236> Sum<235970>.
Disconnect success.
Script exception: Null pointer access : client_main : void screen_cooldowns() : 2967, 2 : CFEngine::DrawIfaceLayerGame.
Execution of script stopped due to exception.
Context<CFEngine::DrawIfaceLayerGame>, state<Exception>, call stack (2):
  1) client_main : void screen_cooldowns() : 2967, 2.
  0) client_main : void render_iface(uint) : 1816, 4.
FEngine finish...
Traffic transfered statistics, in bytes:
Send<29734> Receive<206236> Sum<235970>.
Disconnect success.
Resource manager finish...
Resource manager finish complete.
Hex field finish...
Hex field finish complete.
Sprite manager finish...
Sprite manager finish complete.
Sound manager finish.
Sound manager finish complete.
FEngine finish complete.
FOnline finished.
I still can be reached over e-mail if you somehow need anything from me. Don't see a reason why you would, but if you do, e-mail remains the safest bet, as I do not visit this forum reliably anymore.
Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #73 on: April 09, 2010, 12:54:16 am »

He probably wants you to post it in the original thread (so it's all in one place)
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Re: Changelog 01/04/2010
« Reply #74 on: April 09, 2010, 06:32:06 pm »

About 3D issues:

Just after the last wipe I could normally see contours in attacking mode. My friend told me he can't see it. It seemed strange and after some time (and updates) I've noticed I can't see contour any longer. More of it... Sometimes I had all black models (like no light or texture). So what the hell is with it? My card can handle reflexions and dynamic lightning/shadows in newest Stalker but not the contours?
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