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Changelog 01/04/2010
Does it, by chance, have a large text in capital letters saying PRESS ENTER where your username should be?
It works!
I had just the wrong IP adress ^^ thank you !
God of Thunder:
damn, the lags make games nearly unplayable at all...
hope it will be solved soon, I believe in you, developers!
Srry for my English, i and my friends are from Russia, but now we all have unreal ping, and just cant to play. We realy want to, but this laggs are unreal. Srry, may be this topic is not for this things, i realy dont know where else to write. Fixed smth please and we all will bless u and will love u for death! P.s. the day befor yesterday all was good, problems are continuing for 2 days.
Quentin Lang:
Yup, i know your pain, the lags are just awful. I lost some quite neat stuff to some silly raiders with assault rifles due to the lag, wich is just unbearable punch in the groin to me.
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