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America........FUCK YEAH!!!!
To topic starter: Why do you use your rasist attitude to game? Is it so important to you where the player live? There are a lot of different styles of game (pk/antipk etc) of different players from different country. It is not good to use national priorities in game. Choose you style of game and you find a lot of players to make an ally with them.;)
hey id like to join lvl 5 good with small guns and big can craft s.g and ammo in game name Ramze i live in FL usa and hate pkers :) edit made a new char name thedude.
FUCK YEAH! its about time we got together and kick some russkie ass, I'll totally join once my alt reaches lvl 10
--- Quote from: Ramze on August 18, 2010, 08:17:56 pm ---hey id like to join lvl 5 good with small guns and big can craft s.g and ammo in game name Ramze i live in FL usa and hate pkers :) edit made a new char name thedude.
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I call bullshit. I've encountered Ramze and he's raider scum. fucker tried to take my armor with death threats and then had his lackey shoot me up.
--- Quote from: Choza on August 18, 2010, 11:54:23 am ---To topic starter: Why do you use your rasist attitude to game? Is it so important to you where the player live? There are a lot of different styles of game (pk/antipk etc) of different players from different country. It is not good to use national priorities in game. Choose you style of game and you find a lot of players to make an ally with them.;)
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You are right there are a lot of people who play his game with different styles. I think the general issue is with the race thing, just that I sadly have yet to encounter someone in game with a name I can't read (i.e. foreign) That didn't try to pick my pocket, shoot me on sight, push me out of a vendor when I just walked up. Do I know what country they are from? NO. Do I think Americans are great?!? HELL FUCKING NO!!!!! I have a list of confirmed pk'rs/griefers and there is only 1 <------ that has a foreign name. The rest were all English speaking assholes.
However I have been told by Russian players about how they attack Polish players on sight simply because they are that nationality. And it has been stated the same is true for the Polish. Is it everyone NO, a majority maybe.
I think the issue is just that the larger gangs are typically not American and so it can come across as being picked on, because most of those gangs are pkr's, merchant hoggers and so forth. That isn't to say that a Large [AMERICAN] gang wouldn't do the exact same thing. There is just not enough of them
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