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Changelog 31/03/2010 #2

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--- Quote from: virus341 on April 01, 2010, 01:28:29 am ---Update

--- End quote ---

*sigh*......thanks virus, I just noticed that the server was busy, my bad!

Heckler Spray:
What the hell ?!!!
No more FOV ??!!!
No more trains ??!!!
No more mine ??!!!!
No more Big Guns crafting level 3 ??!!!
No more Name Colorizing ??!!!

I hate this update !!!

EDIT : by the way, BBS are still here...  :P

Look at "The leaders" in the pip-boy.

april joke is Sniper
april joke is Berserker
april joke is best doctor
april joke is biggest mouth
Tetris Lock has most deaths.

So should we start re-reporting all the bugs?

Tetris Lock:
I'm famous vurt vurt.

aaaa thanks devs ! i really loved that old good times , leave this server for while :>


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