Other > General Game Discussion

How much do you enjoy playing FOnline?

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But you know how much time you must waste in game for stuff on 10 min in big battle ? How much 5mm or armors ? I mean big PvP battle. Not fight against raiders.

Again, only waiting and again waiting IS NOT fun.

I don't do PvP because I would have set is as my goal. I do PvP because its the only real engame interaction that FOnline has right now. In every other mmo I've played I was dedicated PvE player and if I can tell, then I was valuable member for my team/guild and we had some great times. Sure I tried PvP too and I was pretty good at it in most of the games but it often makes me angry to find out that there are better players than me and my keyboard could tell that its not good when I'm angry. Thats what I love on PvE. When you loose you can always get back and try again, improve yourself and when you finally kill that son of a ***** boss and claim your reward then its priceless feeling. If its 5 man group of low levels or 40 man raid of the top players from the server good PvE means more to me than PvP.

My point is that in current game you sure can take your 21 lvl chars and go chitchat into the caves and hunt something down but I prefer doing something that matter and can be seen in the world. I love when I see that my effort has caused something and I was rewarded for it. I like to develop and build stuff if its WoW or Sims it does not matter. Yet FOnline lack these features. Some can do without them, some can not.

Heh, crafting is a lot fast. A LOT faster. Provides you with a gathering timeout, etc etc, bla bla bla. We all know crafting is faster.

Why are your complaints not your real complaints? :)

Why PvPers are complaining about a system which has PvP inherently built into it (on unguarded maps) makes me very puzzled.

As for PvE, we've already said we intend to add more ... why the need to repeat it over and over?

So for you is all waiting in this game good, funny and better ?

What waiting?


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