Author Topic: FOnline 3  (Read 45215 times)

Offline kompreSor

  • FOnline 3
Re: FOnline 3
« Reply #15 on: April 01, 2017, 12:00:14 am »
« Last Edit: July 07, 2019, 05:03:30 pm by kompreSor »

Re: FOnline 3
« Reply #16 on: April 01, 2017, 08:20:13 pm »
Kek but first season was better. Maybe next year.

Offline kompreSor

  • FOnline 3
Re: FOnline 3
« Reply #17 on: April 01, 2019, 06:10:56 pm »
today wanted annouce my new(?) protect, today because its 3 years from my fake announce of server, but this time it gonna be real. it will not be new fonline with revolution changes... it will reblanced FOnline: Aftertimes, with idea: "LESS GRIDING". Of course i have some new ideas but i dont know how many of them i will able implement. i want release a game in antumn 2019. and i will say again its not joke. you can checking my discord channel for updates, maybe some tests  :)

also i forgot about most important, main thing of server will be NPCs wars, where players will depends which side will won, political events, battles all between Vault City, NCR, Brotherhood of Steel and Enclave.

that's all, here you have discord:

edited first post also

Offline kompreSor

  • FOnline 3
Re: FOnline 3
« Reply #18 on: May 26, 2019, 01:07:31 pm »

Over 3 months of developing, time to summary what i already did, what I'm planning next. It wont be changelog note with many details. So first what i did was balance of armors, deleted 3,5 tier, and moved them to T3 to make them weaker but equal to Combat Armor mk2(but with different stats) so in results we have 14 different armors to play daily, just want make player to think with armor will be best against enemy who using majority type of damage. Next thing was implants, added limits to implants and added few new one. Added 8 powerful perks, it can be taken at 100th level, so it totally will make build building something fresh, in future planning adding more Class perks. Reworked drugs and added new ones, not only drugs but drug system, now you have limited amount of drugs what you can take in one moment - why? because it make build building more different, also it was boring that every character was taking same drugs! I made crafting again great, simple crafting for T1,T2,T3 and extremely hard to T4, Tier 4 can be only crafted and it wont be easy, i made that decision because most of players does not like T4 at all, but i didn't want make hardcores players sad to remove all possibility to get them so i made crafting for t4 really crazy. I did some other small balances also and changes but for them wait for full changelog.

So what i will do now? on my TODO list have 7 things where 3 of them are very easy to do. So i want focus now on improve PvE and... wiki. Aftertimes left big whole in wiki so also i need add futures from aftertimes to wiki.

When wipe? autumn like i said before i will keep it for sure in summer i want run Closed beta tests.

thats it, have questions? type it here on discord


Re: FOnline 3
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2019, 11:08:35 am »
I heard FO3 will have exclusive dungeons only for donators. Its true?

btw. that spam all around internet about this project is a bit wtf. What about do something first then later advertising it and ask for attention and money?
« Last Edit: September 16, 2019, 03:58:29 pm by Ranger101 »

Re: FOnline 3
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2019, 02:28:29 pm »
Is it truth that the Khans promised huge donation if you implement turn-based town controls?

Offline kompreSor

  • FOnline 3
Re: FOnline 3
« Reply #21 on: September 22, 2019, 07:52:45 pm »
I heard FO3 will have exclusive dungeons only for donators. Its true?

btw. that spam all around internet about this project is a bit wtf. What about do something first then later advertising it and ask for attention and money?
First of case i didnt spam anything i just made Modbd site and it go by itself.
about exclusive dungeons is not only for donators but for everyone who supporting server with their work, beta testing, donations etc, even for bug reporting you may get in reward access to it.

Is it truth that the Khans promised huge donation if you implement turn-based town controls?
no its not true they didnt promise anything.

Offline kompreSor

  • FOnline 3
FOnline 3 Season 4
« Reply #22 on: June 14, 2021, 10:37:31 am »
FOnline 3 is coming with the fourth session! You can expect:
More dynamic new combat system, new perks, perk synergies, new classes, more enriched S.P.E.C.I.A.L system, easy access to character reroll.
A story for a solo player divided into chapters full of dialogue, PvE combat, twists and valuable rewards
The improved war event will be 4 times a week instead of 2.
The changed TC system to flags with daily, weekly and monthly rewards.
And much more!
The New Season starts on Saturday 19/06/2021 at 4 PM CET.
Download the new client:

Offline kompreSor

  • FOnline 3
Re: FOnline 3
« Reply #23 on: January 16, 2022, 03:39:35 pm »
Season 4,5 or season patch 4.95 or just new season without wipe, YES new season without a wipe, wiped will be most rare items only, disabled tier 4 crafting, reset of leaderboard, fixes, rework of sciencing items, gambling with high chance to get implants, New Reno Wars will give WE bonuses, and those bonuses wont depends on score totally random. also small balance changes adding most not used defensive armor perks new abilities.

When? 24.01.2022!

Offline kompreSor

  • FOnline 3
Re: FOnline 3
« Reply #24 on: April 29, 2022, 03:14:59 pm »
With day 06.05.2022 will be released big patch with:
-huge perks changes(new perks)
-totally dungeon revolution
-Tier 4 items will be back
-War Event bonuses will get rework
-New Class perk Scout
-Ammo DT penetration rework
-Fixes and many more changes
also in that day leaderboard will get a reset and some items will be wiped:
-Implants(even installed)
-Tier 4 parts
-Tier 4 blueprints
-Electronic Lockpicks
-Interplay maps
-WE bonuses
Some of features what was planned for season 5 will be in Season 4 MK.III

Offline kompreSor

  • FOnline 3
Re: FOnline 3
« Reply #25 on: November 01, 2022, 10:33:57 pm »
Season 5 beta will start at 04.11.2022, still you can sign up on email, supporters gain access to beta without signing up
Season 5 planned to start at 02.12.2022, details about hour, client links will be few days before season start

Season 5 features(not all yet):