Author Topic: FOnline: The Long Journey  (Read 12369 times)

FOnline: The Long Journey
« on: January 15, 2022, 12:13:17 pm »

FOnline: The Long Journey

FOnline: The Long Journey is a Fallout 1/2 based MMOPRG, set in Fallout atmosphere, following original parts canon and idea. The game focuses on roleplay and survival, replicating the absolute toughness of the Wasteland and the world around being filled with anarchy. Forget about being a "Chosen One" or some kind of a superhuman being able to change the whole world around. Here you are nothing and nobody. Your character is fragile, your aim is to survive, your dream is to find your place in this world. The world around you is tough and unforgiving. But your biggest enemy might be not even mutated fauna or the desert, but the people around you.

The game features most of the Fallout 1/2 gameplay mechanics adjusted and improved. Many new skills, abilities, and variations for proper roleplay and gameplay.

-Hunger and Thirst mechanics

-Logging, mining, scavenging

-Properly made hunting and skinning

-Cooking, crafting, and even building

-New fishing and lockpicking mechanics

-Adjusted combat system set in real-time

-New animations, skins, characters, locations, and many-many more content...

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

VTEK series:

Development misc:

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Re: FOnline: The Long Journey
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2022, 01:21:27 pm »
Session 2: Perfection

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Not so long ago we launched Session 2. This time the session takes place in the region of Perfection - a rather mysterious place with some very dark reputation. Secrets of Perfection await to be found...

Re: FOnline: The Long Journey
« Reply #2 on: February 05, 2022, 03:16:44 pm »
"Steel Talons"

Time to get something very special for weekends. We are launching a mini session in a form of a big event that will take 1-2 days and then things will return back to Perfection. This mini session will be devoted to the "Steel Talons" Brotherhood of Steel chapter in the region. The setting's time will be 2246 - 2 years before the events of the ongoing session.

<a href="" target="_blank"></a>

Re: FOnline: The Long Journey
« Reply #3 on: March 22, 2022, 07:11:13 pm »

New session in FOnline: The Long Journey starts soon. This time we move events from California to sunny Arizona, to the town of Silverlake, that finds self in a very touchy situation being located on the possible frontline between two major powers of the state preparing to fight each other. What will the town's destiny be? Depends only on its residents.

Project's Discord: Click on me!

Re: FOnline: The Long Journey
« Reply #4 on: November 05, 2022, 02:42:16 pm »

FOnline: The Long Journey starts the biggest session trilogy we ever had. We created the entire trilogy made out of 3 sessions combined together into one huge story. We are welcoming you to the new unforgiving region of Great Lakes where you will play a role of a survivor, trying to reach its final destination - the town of Detroit that is believed to be the only place with good soil, the paradise among the scorched earth of the wasteland around you. The journey that takes whole 3 sessions during which the players will encounter new dangers, characters, see new places and be on the very edge of death.

New mechanics include smoke grenades, realistically working sneak, new farming mechanics, new weapons with unique gameplay and many-many more.

Join our Discord group and start your adventure in the one proper Fallout Online:

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« Last Edit: November 05, 2022, 02:46:47 pm by Vinet »