Other > Closed suggestions
Make dismantling more effective
Quentin Lang:
I gotta say, using science on equipment is worthless, as it nearly never gives good results. I got a decent science - 100% (wich is much for science, imo), yesterday i 'dismantled' exacly 10 guns for testing and got nothing. I mean, you gotta be really stupid to not get a single thing from breaking something up. Suggestions simple - make dismantling more effective, so people would use it on stuff instead of selling it. As metal parts, junk, gunpowder and electronic parts have nearly no value these days, it wouldnt break the economy much. Basically the suggestion is to give stuff for dismantling more often, not giving more stuff. What say?
I agree, but I'm disappointed by the lack of comedy poll answer.
Yeh go ahead. Nobody is going to invest big sums of science anyway.
--- Quote from: Badger on March 31, 2010, 04:36:45 pm ---I agree, but I'm disappointed by the lack of comedy poll answer.
--- End quote ---
That's because we have to keep this at profesional level ;)
Quentin Lang:
--- Quote ---Yeh go ahead. Nobody is going to invest big sums of science anyway.
--- End quote ---
That true. No normal SG/BG or armor crafter wouldnt invest more than 100% in science, because thats just the ammount needed to make adv. alloys, and i dont thing anyone has invested more than 120 or 121% in science ever, just because thats the largest ammount required by professions (EW3 and DE2)
wanna something special? Better dismantling? So invest in science and don't whine there.
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