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1.5 FOClassic - Brave New World update (some modifications I made and shared)
* Source/Content:
* FOClassic and PReloaded - source is based on the two repos above. If you had trouble setting them up and working together, you can use this version with some tweaks and a starting proper location. Check installation section for instructions.
* Lander's Point - this is the tutorial zone from Reloaded S3. Kilgore from the FOnline: Reloaded team shared and allowed me to use this gem, providing I do some updates to it. Improving of this zone is a work in progress... I did more generic changes but plan to improve this zone as well.
* I think I added half of Hub from Reloaded S2, but I didn't finish it, no other content is available from previous public FOnline iterations.
* Feature list:
* Jinxed Jack interface - this interface was created for Reloaded years ago by Stanislaw Bieniek and I have updated it to work on Reloaded and ofc on FOClassic/PReloaded as well.
* Item highlighter - is a new feature that will show a yellow outline for items on ground and some of the harvestable resources, making cave searching easier and community made interface hacks obsolete.
* Press W for toggle.
* TODO: Pressing W while on login or registration screen will toggle this behaviour, so new players could log in with it enabled, which is not desired. Add a fix to this.
* Quest notifier - quest progress will visualize on the screen as a big tab on the left side. Different colors are used depending if quest has been started, failed, completed or repeatable.
* The Pip-boy messages will be used, as defined in the /Server/text/engl/FOQUEST.MSG file, lines starting with the following will be processed as:
* Quest start (header):
* Story - main quest line, colored orange, prefixed with STORY.
* Job - repeatable tasks, colored yellow, prefixed with JOB.
* Quest (default) - not repeatable side quest, colored sand, prefixed with QUEST also if there is no prefix, this is the default for backwards compatibility.
* Quest progress (message):
* Done (default) - when the quest is done and player can return for the reward, colored light green, prefixed with DONE.
* Soft failed - repeatable quest failed, but player can try it again later, colored dark orange, prefixed with SOFT_FAILED.
* Hard failed - quest failed and player cannot try again, colored red, prefixed with HARD_FAILED.
* Repeatable finished - repeatable quest finished and player may do this quest at a later time, colored blue, prefixed with SOFT_COMPLETED.
* Finished - non repeatable quest finished, colored dark green, prefixed with HARD_COMPLETED.
* TODO: Move quest coloring to ini/cfg file to make it configurable, atm you can change colors in the /PReloaded/Server/scripts/client_questTracker.fos script file.
* TODO: When player relogs, the last quest progress will pop up. This may not be desired, to be suppressed.
* Inventory tracker - items gained will pop up on the right side of the screen, notifying the players if they gain or loose items.
* There are some minor visual bugs, that I couldn't fix, for example when split dropping something the amount will not be shown.
* It has a major bug however, that after reload or shooting it will show the update of the active gun.
* TODO: Make it configurable via ini/cfg files and later on the fly in game.
* TODO: When dropping via split, replace '?' with 'some'.
* Right click move combat crosshair - mouse behaviour is updated to modern standards:
* Ctrl + F1 - toggle legacy mouse behaviour. (Bug: you have to press F1 again, because the help screen would pop up)
* In all cases - except legacy mode - left click will perform selected action, while right click will move to location. While in attack/default mode, moving with right click will show the hex distance and the location the move command was issued. This is for convenience and better look and feel.
* Q - set crosshair to default interact mode, left click with interact/look, right click will move to location.
* A - set crosshair to attack mode as before, left click with attack, right click will move to location.
* M - set crosshair to move mode, both left click and right click will move to location.
* TODO: Minor - Add a click 'animation' to right click or move mode for look and feel. Atm the indication that the mouse pressed was registered is that the character will try to move toward location.
* Hard coded default hotkeys changes - keys that are not vital during game play have been moved to less reachable keys, away from WASD keys.
* Q now sets mouse mode to default interaction mode (the line of sight range outline has been moved to [)
* W now toggles item highlighter (the weapon range outline has been moved to ])
* S is now free and later should be used to 'stop' current action/animation (the skills panel has been moved to Y)
* F is now free (the fix-boy panel has been moved to U)
* M now sets mouse mode to move (old behaviour preserved in legacy mode only)
* Bug fixes:
* Click through fix-boy bug: Fixed a bug where you could click through fix-boy and register it as a move or interaction command, making your character move instead of select which item to craft.
* Todo:
* Cleanup - there are some unwanted debug messages, logs that need to be cleaned up.
* Release branch - currently the master branch is being used as dev and many of the feature changes have cross commits that make it harder to introduce to other repos one by one. Need to add a clean release branch that includes features or bug fixes in one separate commit only.
* Installation:
* To integrate to your own repo, you must check the change lists and import the code manually.
* To just try it out you can:
* Download the as a zip file from
* Due to some git phenomenon (git LFS bandwith limitation) the,, and files need to be downloaded separately as a zip and added to the respective location: /PReloaded/Client/data/ (for example: and click download button)
* As usual, the fallout.dat file is not included, so you need to download that from any other game client or use the fallout data files from original Fallout installation.
* As usual, delete cache - contents of the /PReloaded/Client/data/cache/ folder.
You can ask questions about FOClassic in general here: or
If you are new to git or just have some issues putting it all together, you can download a test version from google drive, try to use latest at:
1.6 FOClassic - ..more BNW updates
Feature list:
* New Message box chat tabs:
* All tab - contains all messages.
* Public tab - contains chat messages from this map.
* Radio tab - all the radio channels go here.
* Social tab - faction chat, squad chat goes here.
* System tab - contains system messages only.
* Faction chat: - is available with /f /g prefixes, there is also faction member online/offline notification.
* Squad chat: - is available with /q, it will send message to player you follow and everyone who follows you.
* Multiple clients - players can log in with multiple client from the same PC without using 3rd party software.
* Allow running in TB mode - players can now run in TB mode, this needs additional testing however, please report if you find bugs.
* TODO: Hybrid TB mode, allow AI to take turn simultanously, while players take their turn separately.
* Font increase/decrease on the fly - is available with Ctrl + Mouse Scroll above respective screen. There is only 3 fonts for now, smallest is original, a 125% larger font derived from original that is thin, and a 125% that is bold. The font increase is availalbe for Message box, Dialogs, Pip-boy and Fix-boy only. Font setup is kinda hardcoded, if one would make more fonts, a small engine modification would be required.
* Pip-boy improvements - Pip-boy now has tabs to track quest easier.
* Fix-boy improvements - Fix-boy now shows the total crafts you have materials for and if you have materials but missing tools/workbench it colors orange instead of red.
Bug fixes:
* Fixed various bugs in pip boy, including scrolling displacement.
A small answer about extensions, for those who do not know what they are. These are DLL's stored in the script folder of your server that affect certain mechanics like if the critter can see another critter, most of their parameters like Strength, Carry Weight, etc. so when your AS script calls for these parameters, these are right before that, so they take effect. This would not be required since we have the engine source open, but before this, it was not open source and recompilable for devs, only AS script were. To change some crucial things, extensions were invented or something along these lines. So they are staying, note that if you cannot find something working differently than expected and you checked the engine and AS as well, you might want to check extension code if it exists for that specific change.
For those who never did it before - Recompiling extensions
Example how to change max character weight:
* Follow the step in this guide where you earlier had to install Visual Studio 2017 with compile tools for Visual Studio 2010.
* Launch the extensions solution via VS2017 found in: ../PReloaded/Server/extensions/extensions.sln
* The IDE might ask questions about old solution file version, just accept all and let him transform to newer version.
* Press Ctrl + Shift + F to search in all files in the project and search for weight finding the one of the result in parameters.cpp and do your desires changes
* Now rebuild the solution and you are done, because the rebuild script will also copy the create DLLs to their respective place, in case it does not, you can find the DLLs in ../PReloaded/Server/extensions/Release/ folder and you need to copy them to your scripts folder ../PReloaded/Server/scripts/
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