FOnline Development > FOnline Projects

FOClassic server example.

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I know your posts on Reloaded's and as I expected here - when somebody says something different than your vision, you start personal attack. I wonder why you didn't use red color somewhere as you do. Slow down, don't attack anyone every time like toxic person. I said IN MY OPINION custom content shouldn't be included in toolset repository. Simple fallout.dat would be enough and everyone doesn't need to pull unused arts every time. Instead of downloading toolset and running, somebody will download, remove and then run. 3 steps instead of 2. 2 steps are better solution, less network traffic, faster downloading.

And don't say something about people when you don't know what they do. I don't want to talk with man or woman who judges and draws conclusions without even knowing what is happening. Respect people from this sad & small community.

Anyways I don't want to start pointless conversations because I am too old for this, I don't want to argue and I respect people... until someone pisses me off.


--- Quote from: testerDEV on March 23, 2019, 02:09:24 pm ---I know your posts on Reloaded's and as I expected here - when somebody says something different than your vision, you start personal attack. I wonder why you didn't use red color somewhere as you do. Slow down, don't attack anyone every time like toxic person.
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Okay... I wrote this today, but I can do it one more time, in red color, for you and applies to recent my posts at Reloaded's forum.

Sharing the sources of active games, and here not only of FO games will not serve anything good for players or developers - it just hurts. The example doen't need to be looked at far - the people analyzed the current Reloaded's code and knew where specified items were dropped/spawned, at what moments, what types character to take, or how to make a shit to other players or whole game. Another example is my Aftertimes, where you could see how the "experienced" fixers have introduced "balance" changes, which later turned out to be not thought over or well calculated, and reminders for such people come to naught and end up with a loss of nerves. FO is such a complex game that you need to have technical knowledge and, most importantly, an idea of ​​how it should work. Unfortunately, the group of such people is very narrow and believe me that the guy who asked for a sources doesn't count towards it. Sharing existing sources of FO not only harms this particular distribution, where the source comes from, but in the future it can deter other (potential) players of all FO games, what neither me, Kilgore, Wesan, Skykast, AoP Team and many others not listed we just don't want.

If someone see something personal here then... I don't know.
Anyway... Nobody forbids you to use current SDKs, update them (if necessary) to revision 412 or FOClassic and present your own solutions there. In time when Aftertimes S2 SDK was releasing there wasn't any engine source release and any operation at executables was made on the debugging way. Now you have the easier way, but first you must know the basics like how to add/remove contents from "example".

--- Quote from: testerDEV on March 23, 2019, 02:09:24 pm ---I said IN MY OPINION custom content shouldn't be included in toolset repository. Simple fallout.dat would be enough and everyone doesn't need to pull unused arts every time. Instead of downloading toolset and running, somebody will download, remove and then run. 3 steps instead of 2. 2 steps are better solution, less network traffic, faster downloading.
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You are trying to make this about me?

--- Quote from: testerDEV on March 23, 2019, 12:46:55 pm ---Developers who want to use additional content Nevada or any custom content such as AoP/Desert Europe/FOnline2/Tactics assets should do it on their own.

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There're some differences between what devs should do and your opinion.
Another thing - this is an example of apply the content, not inseparable part. It takes few MBs more. What about the uploads of finished client, which will be ready to download? What about the server and managing of it? Don't you care about it here? These few MBs of data are so important then? I don't think so. And you?

--- Quote from: testerDEV on March 23, 2019, 12:46:55 pm ---And don't say something about people when you don't know what they do. I don't want to talk with man or woman who judges and draws conclusions without even knowing what is happening. Respect people from this sad & small community.

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Everywhere you go and not just in the virtual world people will ask about what you've made, not about what you actually do.

--- Quote from: testerDEV on March 23, 2019, 12:46:55 pm ---Anyways I don't want to start pointless conversations because I am too old for this, I don't want to argue and I respect people... until someone pisses me off.

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This discussion is not pointless and should dispel any doubts on this topic. I'm old guy too, close to 40. I did a little work at FOnline and I'm happy to continue. If I'm in opposition to something, it means that I have specific reasons. I have never offended anyone. At the most I am persuading or encouraging to learn. Does it make me toxic? Does it start pissing you off?


--- Quote ---custom content shouldn't be included in toolset repository
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I agree. If you keep adding stuff like that, you'll start cluttering again.

Devs started sharing their work to others. Their maps can have normalized prototypes on each project then and IMO it can be started from this point. For example maps from FOnline: Aftertimes are not compatible with this pack (the map-pack with with repided prototypes it is already done, but not shared for now).

An example from yesterday's evening:
KompreSor is working on squared map of Vault City. Missing arts drawn for around grounds near entrance to the Vault 8's mountain which were needed for it were placed at FOAT's prototypes (and also in current pack of FOClassic server example). It was fully enough when I just sent the part of this map to him and told that where he should look for missing prototypes.

Look how much time developer has saved here, when he didn't need to worry about prototypes.

Going this way, I see here a cleaner situation than cluttering.

I'm trying to make this example to work without success, this is a strange issue; mouse pointer doesn't shows on the client


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