Author Topic: Any place where I can get real documentation for the mapper?  (Read 4890 times)

Anything helps, really. I took a look at slowhand's tut but it really doesn't get too deep into mapping. I already know my way around C more or less, so the scripting part shouldn't be too much trouble. I need a list of keybindings, really - more than what's included in the SDK's readme. I'm using the reloaded SDK.

I also don't get the info about tile layers in the top right. It's always at layer 0 and I can't change it and I think that's what's giving me trouble. Sometimes I can't select floor tiles, even if the select floor tiles button is on. Sometimes when I set the floors down after mapping the walls, the floor tiles appear in front of the walls instead of behind, and I can't select them and delete, I can only select the walls.

Thanks in advance for any help, guys.
« Last Edit: May 27, 2019, 05:21:12 am by diesel1312 »

Re: Any place where I can get real documentation for the mapper?
« Reply #2 on: May 30, 2019, 04:05:12 am »
Thanks a lot for the links, Wipe. Didn't reply sooner cause I was just flying away with the editor. This is real good stuff, you know, Still wish I could get the official f2 mapper to work on my system though, just to see what mapping was like back then.

Anyways. I still have a couple issues with it:

Sometimes the console turns to russian for no apparent reason. I type and cyrillic characters show up. Am I accidentally hitting the "I'm russian" keyboard shortcut or something?

The issue I was having previously was cause I was placing floor tiles as roof. Now I understand how that works. Still, I haven't found any mentions of how tile layers work or how to switch between them. I think this could come in hand when I lay graffiti scenery and it shows up behind the wall instead of on it. This is pretty much the only trouble I'm having, besides that I'm already creating some nice maps.
« Last Edit: May 30, 2019, 04:08:22 am by diesel1312 »

Re: Any place where I can get real documentation for the mapper?
« Reply #3 on: May 30, 2019, 08:03:46 pm »
Sometimes the console turns to russian for no apparent reason. I type and cyrillic characters show up. Am I accidentally hitting the "I'm russian" keyboard shortcut or something?
Reloaded's SDK: left shift+left ctrl

The issue I was having previously was cause I was placing floor tiles as roof. Now I understand how that works. Still, I haven't found any mentions of how tile layers work or how to switch between them. I think this could come in hand when I lay graffiti scenery and it shows up behind the wall instead of on it. This is pretty much the only trouble I'm having, besides that I'm already creating some nice maps.
Choose tile to place and press the middle mouse button to switch between floor and roof.

Re: Any place where I can get real documentation for the mapper?
« Reply #4 on: June 11, 2019, 11:45:07 pm »
@remake You don't get it, I know how to switch between roof mode and floor mode. I'm talking about changing this (red highlight edited in):

I believe with this I could control what is in the foreground and background for when it doesn't come out the way I want it to. I know it can be changed because I did it by accident before, I just can't figure out the keystroke.

The console info was spot on though, thanks.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2019, 12:13:56 am by diesel1312 »

Re: Any place where I can get real documentation for the mapper?
« Reply #5 on: June 17, 2019, 03:31:59 am »
I got it, shift + 1 through 4 to change "tile layers".

It doesn't really seem to do anything, though...