First paste is either not installed VS2017+VS2010 or missing env variables. In second case VS offers developer command prompt which sets them all up. Once cmake sets everything you don't have to worry about it anymore - everything is set to update itself directly. I didn't run CMake myself since few months, VS takes care of all that after solution is generated.
My apologies... seems like I didn't take the problem the right way...
I've no idea how VS works... The only stuff I do is to use cl.exe directly through a bat files.
I cannot use VS apps it tells something about registration...
To develop I use a simple text editor... and I'm fine with that.
What you talking about? It's exactly same repo we used during 2238 times, exactly same i used to grab clean SDK r412, and exactly which was used for development since SDK was released. Only difference is that it's using git now, instead of svn, but it has nothing to do with the source itself.
Again my apologies...
When I downloaded FOnline sources it looked very quick...
And I guess I didn't assume I could restore r412 through the repo itself...
I'll be looking for that.
I've finally found a reg key for VS2010 making life easier...