FOnline Development > General Discussion
Convert .map to .fomap
Hi guys. So i need to convert .map to .fomap. Any ideas?
You want the original maps?,29370.0.html
You can follow the below steps to do it in general. I'm not sure about how to get it to latest SDK version though if that's what you want...
--- Quote from: cubik2k/Kilgore ---Maps were taken from the original Fallout 1 master.dat file. Each map was opened and saved by following mappers:
- Dim's mapper
- FOnline mapper 1.17
- FOnline mapper 1.22.5
- FOnline mapper 1.24.11
- FOnline mapper 1.25.25
- FOnline mapper 1.32.2
No further changes were made to the maps. To be able to use them with FOnline SDK, they have to be reworked first.
Critters are not compatible with FOnline SDK critter prototypes.
If you don't see the map after loading, first zoom out as far as you can, then try to scroll a bit left-down.
Fallout 1 master.dat contains also encounters map with a caravan object inside. They were not included in the package.
--- End quote ---
Thanks for guide. I need to convert E.P.A map from mod to use it on server. Server revision is 371, so where i can get all these mappers? And where i can download all SDK revisions?
SDK repository is here:
Last parameter in the URL is the revision (799). Easiest is to checkout the repository with some subversion client and simply take the different mapper binaries for different versions. I think they generate a logfile on startup where you can see the version number.
The mappar itself is in although it's been moved around a bit and you may find it somewhere else in older revs.
As for which SDK revisions correspond to which mapper versions, I don't know, it was not documented in the quoted text but Kilgore, cubik or someone else may have this info somewhere... wish this was fresh in my head but it was couple of years since I last played around with the mapper :-\
--- Quote from: reychi on July 27, 2018, 10:26:39 am ---Thanks for guide. I need to convert E.P.A map from mod to use it on server.
--- End quote ---
I tried to convert EPA location from Killap's RP 2.1.2b and it's a lot of work. The most of sceneries, walls and some item must be moved to new format by hand - remove in dims, add new prototypes to FOnline SDK, add manually them to map after successfully conversion.
There're always some problems with map conversions from mods for Fallout 2 but this one location is really hard to convert. I think it will take 2-4 weeks for experienced mapper with conversion skills to finish it.
Here you have some my scanned notes with it (I didn't finish the conversion of this location). There's a lot of pids to move manually and I just left it for later (10 months ago).
Good luck!
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