Crafting : I really dont know what mean "fixed" in this case beacuse XP from really expensive items are funny. Really funny, i cant use another word.
Cooldowns : Yes i must agree that you decrease time for crafting and etc with this kind of cooldowns(btw still stupid thing,based something in Fallout game on waiting) but i think only on first look. 30 minutes for two +aloys is just funny again. I want craft one Plasma Pistol. It need : 2 Good Metal Parts(10min), 2 Good Aloys(30min), 1 Aloys(CD for gathering), El.Parts(CD for gathering), 2MFC(BH and back,CD for gathering and crafting). People i have about one hour only for materials on one weak Plasma Pistol. So in my counts you dont have decreased time for crafting, you have this time x2.
I hope that you remove CD for +materials VERY quickly beacuse you lose players(Many new players are here only for look on 2,5D models, but i think that you lose old players, if you want that ...)
Seriously, waiting is not FUNNY.
Btw. I know that this thing is not bug, but for me is not normal and is not "fixed" !