Author Topic: Removing content from FOnline Reloaded SDK (season 2)  (Read 2891 times)

Removing content from FOnline Reloaded SDK (season 2)
« on: September 11, 2017, 10:27:22 am »
Hello modders,

I would like to remove following things which are included in the SDK:
- dialogs,
- maps, except replication and starting locations,
- quests,
- scripts related to dialogs, quests, locations,
- crafting/FixBoy items,
- worldmap's encounters,
- probably critters (?),
- and more unnecessary content.

I would like to get a lightweight tool which allows me add and test my own content. Current SDK takes a lot of time to test new features because you have to reload server application every time. Could you provide more information how I can start?

Offline adumbperson

  • Turn around in orbit!
Re: Removing content from FOnline Reloaded SDK (season 2)
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2017, 12:42:12 am »
You'll have to trace everything you need to be removed...
It's about coding skill... nothing much.
The Death After Life.
About me. I hate people generally I still may have respectful talk and recognize the good persons. Careful to what you say, I'm not a kid. My experiences defines me.
[Awaxx] -2024/10/17-

Offline Slowhand

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Re: Removing content from FOnline Reloaded SDK (season 2)
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2017, 12:57:40 pm »
I cannot give you what you want, but as a deterrence, are you sure it slows the development down? If you do not do a clean, the compiled files will not be recompiled and it's quite fast to test stuff.

The idea is good, however, get a clean revision, and add the start location and some basic scripts so you can start out fast and easy just for the development purposes. Atm not worth the effort for me, maybe at a later stage I do it, when/if I do a full documentation on the scripts.