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Sharing Location of Private Mines

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How do you share the location of personal mines? We've tried taking people there, nothing.

I would also like to ask weither the private mine is personal or faction based

Hello, first post here and as I see there's allready a thread up about the subject so here we go..

Been trying the game out with some new found friends for the last couple of weeks and we now after  the restart-wipe got our selves a gang, a base and finaly now even a mine, except it looks like the mine is sadly not that usefull, as I've gathred so far..

- first, its personal, not tied to the gang but to a single individual, the one that payed the cash, which is a huge let down (though some thing we did expect it might turn out to be, but we had to try as we dident find any information on it).

- second, its quite far away from where we are operating and where expecting it would be, mostly on the grounds that the bases you buy actually appear around where the vendor for them are, not the case of mines appearently.

- last, it has nothing of high quality, just the regular ore and minerals, and are as such not that usefull at all, specially as it's so far away, and I cant really gather why some one really would want one if that is indeed the case that it only contains normal ore and minerals (except for slave mining).

Aside from that I like the progress of the game, you're doing a great job and the current changes from pre-wipe is slowly making quite a lot of sense as we sort them out. Now I just hope that some one can bring some clarity on the topic of bought mines and if all that I've gathred so far is true will there be any changes to them (placement, high quality content and making them gang specific)?


Where to buy this kind of mine?


--- Quote from: Vuonglanus on March 31, 2010, 01:59:49 am ---Where to buy this kind of mine?

--- End quote ---

At the NCR mining station, west of NCR. Talk to the guy in the shed and I think it is 75 000 caps.


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