FOnline Development > General Discussion
Boost fonline performance (reloaded/2238/other)
I just want a way to add it.
Client/data/*.zip are compressed with a strong compression algorithm that should only be used for long-term archival.
If you unpack the archives and compress them with the algorithm "Deflate Level: Fastest" you should be able to access maps up to ~400% faster.
In Server/FOnlineServer.cfg you can increase the cycle per seconds by reducing the GameSleep frequency.
GameSleep = 0, a processor core is fully utilized. Up to 500 cycles per second are possible with a 10 year old processor.
This is unnecessary and can negatively affect the game, try to reach 40 cycles per second.
If you are using server and client at the same time on an old single core processor you should not make these changes.
--- Quote from: Engardo on January 20, 2019, 04:32:33 pm ---Client
Client/data/*.zip are compressed with a strong compression algorithm that should only be used for long-term archival.
If you unpack the archives
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What if archives are not compressed?
--- Quote from: testerDEV on January 25, 2019, 01:20:46 pm ---What if archives are not compressed?
--- End quote ---
With a slow hard disk it can take longer. Unless you have Windows Prefetch active with enough RAM.
Windows Prefetch must also recognize the files as frequently used. ::)
If the files on an SSD(250MB/s read) or RAM disk are uncompressed, there is a small speed advantage.
I'm not sure if it works well with SSD since the "Intel Meltdown" patch. ;)
The files are also partially compressed without an archive, mostly images.
It would be possible to create a client that decodes everything at startup, then there would be no more load times.
The drawback is that it probably takes more than 4 gigabytes of ram. ;D
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