Author Topic: Play FOnline: Reloaded with Armageddon Army  (Read 11046 times)

Offline kompreSor

  • FOnline 3
Play FOnline: Reloaded with Armageddon Army
« on: February 26, 2017, 08:52:12 pm »
Became a part of Armageddon Army,
After some of our core members became not much active, We have to recruit few veterans/middle PvP experience of FOnline, we can offert access to TC lockers (is ~1500k every day), we keep town most of time, also if you are not Reloaded player we can offert gear donation and tips about server mechanics, builds.
If you are not a veteran or for some reason you can not join AA, always you can hit to our alliance - Unfair Advantage, is Mix of veterans and new poeple in FOnline, thanks them you can learn game much faster than alone.
Reason why are we need more players is simple, alliance of 6 factions gather more and more poeple for no reason, they already triple our numbers and they still growing up, but it is not enough to keep for them towns.
To join you have past a voting, ask one of veteran for begin conversation about you. Send him your experience in FOnline Reloaded or in other server, names of faction(s) which  you were/are.

List of officers:

our alliance:
« Last Edit: March 04, 2017, 08:37:54 pm by kompreSor »