Author Topic: Next 2 questions  (Read 2294 times)

Next 2 questions
« on: September 10, 2016, 06:30:00 pm »
1. How make city critters moving? Randomly(or not) walking junkies, kids, dogs, guards, brahmins in pet and stuff like that.
2. How make NPC shout during fight? As I see in FOCOMBAT.MSG are all needed messages for it, just looks like this stuff is unused.

I've searched here and on and I not found nothing helpful. If I'm not wrong these things were implemented in 2238, but I'm using TLA SDK and have no idea where dig to find right solutions and implement it to this SDK.

Offline Slowhand

  • Go for the eyes, Boo! Go for the eyes!
Re: Next 2 questions
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2016, 08:22:06 pm »
Adding scripts to mobs:,29789.msg260846.html#msg260846

Use the property editor (press F9 to toggle on/off) to set the mobs (I will refer to monsters/critters as mobs from now on) script to the following:
set ScriptName to "mob" (This will tell which script file to check for the function below. Server\Scripts\mob.fos )
set FuncName to "critter_init" (This is the function (script) to be called when creating this mob)

The script itself: check some maps where you know there are moving NPC's and check their script location/name and tr to add those or make new scripts based on those.