FOnline Development > FOnline Projects
FOnline : Fo4You™
after 2 h of playing:
level uping skills by using them is too faster on 2nd lvl i had 300 odms
perk on every level and no lvl request on perk make this server monster op builds = no balanced pvp
crafting caps will make ecomony so broken.
1.Uping ODMS to 300 i made for comfortable trevelling on world map on start level (groing % for outdorsman can be changed(in script), i will rebuild exp formula for this)
2.Perk noleveling(*) and perk every one level made by me for testing, and where a mater when you take superPerks on 1 level or 21(All other requirements for taking the perk should be observed, removed only by the level of demand.).
-You think better back a system when you gain perk every 3 level?
3.Crafting cups this is not a big problem, CraftList i can change :) , and is currently crafting bottle caps is not profitable, it is easier to sell the extracted pieces of gold nugget, minerals and ores (and it's not just the ore and the high quality ore) on the economy is not much impact, but I'll close this opportunity if you think so.
1.Return leveling req for perks(data from wiki).
2.Return perk every 3 lvl.
3.Remove from craftlist bottlecups.
Server restarting
can you show us some diffrents beetwen 2238 and Fo4You, make a proper changelog? playing on blinded server without any info do not attract many poeple.
Introducing changes to the server scripts, I tried to stick to ideas (Game for the players)
Major changes have affected only opportunities for contact with the world.
Well, there is a change in the skill system.Examples of the preparation of occupations light weapons, learning the profession atomate you raise your level of light weapons, this also applies to the big guns and energy weapons.The ability of first aid and the Doctor, just work from a given principle.I understood the lessons of the previous file server starts, and realized that the global Changes may not like the players. Because it was created for more than one vote, and now decided to set receive perks each level, in contrast to the classics in 3 levels.(nou to 21 lev el you have chose 20 perks for a character, and it's make you char much stronger)
Vote is here
When I can collect all that got used changes, I'll post a list, or at least try to do it.
The main difference between the 2238 and Fo4Yu at last, take it easy. I want to add maximum comfort without spoiling the game.
Amazing. I hope it will bring back some nice memories about 2238. Will give it a shot.
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