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FOnline : Fo4You™

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--- Quote from: Gimper on August 12, 2016, 05:36:53 pm ---Amazing. I hope it will bring back some nice memories about 2238. Will give it a shot.

--- End quote ---

I hope so mi friend, i hope so :)))


--- Quote from: kompreSor on August 11, 2016, 05:00:30 pm ---can you show us some diffrents beetwen 2238 and Fo4You, make a proper changelog? playing on blinded server without any info do not attract many poeple.

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Level cap: 24.
Character have Perk every level.
Experience doubled.
No supply bases
(Cathedral, Sierra Army Depot and Mariposa in the original FOnline).
You can buy a base, regroup in players-driven factions and manage them.
You can buy and manage mercs.
Fallout 1 & 2 towns.
Only Fallout 2 towns are implemented in the original game.
A brand new worldmap, involving the whole southern California.
Gear is harder to get.
Have heavy armors (Such as Power armors, can be buy if you join to faction Enclave or BoS, can't be a crafted) and high-level weapons (Such as Gauss rifle, all weapons you can craft after learn professions like LightGunSmith or BigGunsGunSmith).
Have two ways for crafting, After learn a profession , you can craft a weapon not use a blueprint (recipe), but it will be cost you more engridients.
If you find blueprint, it will be easy.
Banking system dont have virtual money (no replication system).
Not all stuff trader can buy from you, some one need 5 mm ammo, some one Laser Rifle. If you try to sell some thing and it cost 0$, trader dont need this thing right now.
A crafting system is implemented and very important in game's economy: The PPC system, for Professions-Production-Crafting.Here is a small list of some notable differences with the original FOnline game.

--- Quote ---Сервер запущен и работает
The server is up and running

Запуск первой сессии сервера Fo4You состоится 2 сентября в 08:00 по Московскому времени.
Launch of the first Fo4You server session held on September 2 at 08:00 Moscow time.

--- End quote ---

And if U want help Us, or U have some qestions, try chat with me in ICQ my number 463-598-995 Denis Zhdanov ( [MODUL]TAPOH@ )

A number of updates.
-Added new methods for making caps
-added loot armor top with the Enclave and the Brotherhood of Steel
-change craft list and profession
-Added options 4 sale grenades to gunsmiths(Gunrunners - Elmer)
-Added options for sale broken Armors
-Small fixes just by a few

The server is still running.
Let heath road will be safe for you

**** really need people who could help with the writing of new scripts, editing the old and adding new unique content

#Fonline #Fo4You #FalloutOnline

Good day comrades.
I created a facebook group for dialogue and questions.
I will try to respond promptly to your questions there.
 All correspondence will be there to be conducted in English, which I hope will be a plus.
After all, as I understand not everyone is convenient to use so popular in Russia VK(Vkontakte)

Are you tired of people? Fed up with interactions? Bored to death with a must of having small-talks, chit-chats and conversations?
Have you ever thought of running yourself a FOnline singleplayer session, but were too lazy to establish yourself a server on your wooden, coal-propelled PC?
Do you posses some form of autism? A desperate hunger of hamstering pixels just for the sake of doing so? Ever wondered what it would be like to play with an ultimate lumberjack character?

Worry no more, just a few clicks to solve all the issues! Introducing FOnline4You(tm)!

Basically it's yet another 2238/Reloaded clone with minor changes. I've found two of them interesting:
- level perks come along each 3 levels after 24th level (pic related), although I haven't received one at level 30 for some reason

- sciencing stuff gives the enormous amount of XP (pic related), making a leveling of non-combat characters very easy

Obviously first one makes balancing PvP impossible and pointless, but since the average playercount is around 0,5, this is not a problem. Plus it allows to create and grind really powerful PvE character without abusing admin panel. Oh, HP's are gaining each level (with 10 EN by 5 HP), making Lifegiver perks questionable.

Crafting has been messed up with in a way you are unable to craft anything useful without a profession. Seriously, no flamer or laser pistol until you get the right profession. Crafting tables haven't been changed as far as I've noticed. Due to a semi-negative playercount all mines are widely open and full of rocks to dig.

Reloaded Wiki applies in most cases, it's a clone after all. NameColorizing works very random, sometimes it's OK, mostly not. No idea why, nobody to ask, zero fucks given.

If you need a company, there's a lot of options to pick from:

Roleplaying a shy nerd surrounded by hot chicks and pretending he's busy with his cellphone is also possible:

I'm having some twisted and perverted autism kind of fun frying peasants and whatnot with double Pyromaniac (not possible to get anywhere else). Thank you Denis, whichever gulag you might be nowadays at. It looks like this server is running in some sort of auto-pilot mode until someone detaches the plug. Weeheeeee!

And I'm not the worst hopeless case. Someone bothered to run a successful TC in few towns. Yes, it's marked in PipBoy stats. Bow to the autism king!


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