Author Topic: Greetings  (Read 12585 times)

« on: August 05, 2016, 02:39:43 am »
I just want to say hi and thank everyone who has contributed to this community.

I got into Fallout when I found 1, 2 and Tactics all for sale super cheap and it's been one of my favorite series. The trouble was the only one with multiplayer (Tactics) had the buggiest and least feature packed version of the engine. While I like the VATS games the SPECIAL system was always one of my favorite parts of the game (I am also a 3rd ed D&D fan). When FO3 came out I looked for anything like this, I actually found references to the project then but it seemed half-finished, Russian only and probably dead. I looked into some options for making my own but lack of time and other projects kept me back.

So I am super excited to see what has happened. FOnline is a dream game as far as I am concerned and I hope it continues to be developed.

Re: Greetings
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2016, 10:55:13 pm »
So I am super excited to see what has happened. FOnline is a dream game as far as I am concerned and I hope it continues to be developed.

Yes, totally agree. Classic Fallout game with ability play online was my dream many years ago...

Re: Greetings
« Reply #2 on: August 30, 2016, 09:00:51 am »
FOnline was my favorite game back in its prime. It was probably one of the most hated members of the community then. ill never forget all the suicide bombers trying to kill me or people associated with me at NCR.

Offline S.T.A.L.K.E.R

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Re: Greetings
« Reply #3 on: September 01, 2016, 05:45:27 am »
FOnline was my favorite game back in its prime. It was probably one of the most hated members of the community then. ill never forget all the suicide bombers trying to kill me or people associated with me at NCR.

Or when you have 5 people trying to hex you with grease guns and 2 of them use single shots xD

But the disappointing thing about the current state of fonline is that the player base is split between 2 servers. I honestly wish Reloaded, fonline 2, and AoP team to make one mega server but all of them have different agendas...
Back In-Game :D

Offline Slowhand

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Re: Greetings
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2016, 10:43:48 am »
Or when you have 5 people trying to hex you with grease guns and 2 of them use single shots xD

But the disappointing thing about the current state of fonline is that the player base is split between 2 servers. I honestly wish Reloaded, fonline 2, and AoP team to make one mega server but all of them have different agendas...

Isn't like more than 2 servers? Anyways, it's split alright, but then again, with double the numbers, still low pop. The ways to invite new players to the game must be enhanced.

Re: Greetings
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2016, 04:32:34 pm »
Current split is ok. people who like pokemons_with_guns can play AoP. Rest who prefer more classic fallout experience can choose between 2238-like Reloaded, more modern FO2, some hardcore russian servers or other minor projects. The choice is good.

Offline S.T.A.L.K.E.R

  • Some random guy
Re: Greetings
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2016, 06:38:53 pm »
Isn't like more than 2 servers? Anyways, it's split alright, but then again, with double the numbers, still low pop. The ways to invite new players to the game must be enhanced.

Yeah there's requiem and TLA but they're mostly populated by Russians and only russians (also it's in Russian with bad english translations), and they usually stay there. Some regulars from reloaded/fo2 play it but don't stay there that long.

From what I've seen, new players come and make immediate suggestions...only to get shutdown by the community. Like the thread currently on reloaded, about that guy wanting to remove all inappropriate names is just getting bashed on by veterans. (Shame I'm banned or I would of roasted him too xD)

Or they just don't know what to do once ingame. A cool thing to do is probably make some developer blogs for FOnline. Show off new features, what's coming, etc. Now this would be interesting to see, AoP was making them but they stopped, but I liked them.

Back In-Game :D

Re: Greetings
« Reply #7 on: September 02, 2016, 04:46:21 am »
5 servers between two languages isn't bad. The UO server community is way more fractured. Reloaded has enough people on. I kinda worry for AoP and FO2.

Current split is ok. people who like pokemons_with_guns can play AoP. Rest who prefer more classic fallout experience can choose between 2238-like Reloaded, more modern FO2, some hardcore russian servers or other minor projects. The choice is good.

I've been playing on Reloaded and enjoying it a lot. I actually wish it was more like the old games, would be nice if the old Perks had been rebalanced instead of replaced with things like Even More Criticals.

Or they just don't know what to do once ingame. A cool thing to do is probably make some developer blogs for FOnline. Show off new features, what's coming, etc. Now this would be interesting to see, AoP was making them but they stopped, but I liked them.

Yeah it's a little hard to find your bearings, even knowing the old games and reading the guides going in. In the old games you were pretty much always tripping over things to do. The quests in game are sparse and short. There aren't a lot of dungeons for low level players. The way scavenging cities and caves works is actually really well done but it's not that intuitive to someone coming from the old games where it was a minor thing at best.

Really though the game just has like zero internet presence. As I said this is something I've been dreaming of for awhile and only recently realized was available when I searched on a whim. Developer blogs could good a long way toward people just knowing it exists.

Re: Greetings
« Reply #8 on: September 02, 2016, 08:46:31 pm »
...I kinda worry for AoP and FO2.
No reason for that. AoP never was enough playable to be filled by hordes of players so current 10-30 people per day is really impressive. 50-90 people on FO2 is also very good and in practice it is more than 120 people on Reloaded coz 1/3 are bots.


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Re: Greetings
« Reply #9 on: September 02, 2016, 10:55:00 pm »
and in practice it is more than 120 people on Reloaded coz 1/3 are bots

And where did you get this number from?