FOnline Development > Questions and Answers

FOnlineServer.exe cuts off on screen



When I run FOnlineServer.exe, the bottom of its window gets cut off at the bottom of the screen. I tried using the TAB key but my enter key doesn't seem to press it.

Is there a way to shorten the size of the window?

i still use 800x600 res, so that happens to me all the time. just press Spacebar and the server will run.

for saving & closing the server just press Tab one more time after the "Profiler"  button has been selected ( 9 times in total ) and then press Spacebar.

to close the window press Escape.


--- Quote from: Alexandrite on July 30, 2016, 06:30:28 pm ---Is there a way to shorten the size of the window?

--- End quote ---
Add to FOnlineServer.cfg
--- Code: ---GUISize = -20
--- End code ---
or any other negative value until you're happy with results.


--- Quote from: Wipe on July 31, 2016, 05:07:40 am ---Add to FOnlineServer.cfg
--- Code: ---GUISize = -20
--- End code ---
or any other negative value until you're happy with results.

--- End quote ---

Thank you.


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