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3 functions exploiting AngelScript's API to reflect global vars/funcs also classes, their properties and member functions.
To use the functions you have to bind their calls using _defines.fos (look at end) and add it:
--- Code: ---// Test function
# ifdef __SERVER
# pragma bindfunc "void GetObjectType() -> fonline_test.dll GetObjectType"
# pragma bindfunc "void GetGlobalFunc() -> fonline_test.dll GetGlobalFunc"
# pragma bindfunc "void GetGlobalProperty() -> fonline_test.dll GetGlobalProperty"
# endif
# ifdef __CLIENT
# pragma bindfunc "void GetObjectType() -> fonline_test_client.dll GetObjectType"
# pragma bindfunc "void GetGlobalFunc() -> fonline_test_client.dll GetGlobalFunc"
# pragma bindfunc "void GetGlobalProperty() -> fonline_test_client.dll GetGlobalProperty"
--- End code ---
also you shud add it to fonline_test.cpp
--- Code: ---EXPORT void GetGlobalProperty()
// global properties
Log("##################### global properties #####################\n");
for( asUINT i = 0; i < ASEngine->GetGlobalPropertyCount(); i++ )
const char *name;
const char *pnamespace;
int typeId;
bool isConst;
const char *configGroup;
void *pointer;
asDWORD accessMask;
ASEngine->GetGlobalPropertyByIndex( i, &name, &pnamespace, &typeId, &isConst, &configGroup, &pointer, &accessMask);
if (name) {
Log("%s %s\n", ASEngine->GetTypeDeclaration(typeId, true), name);
EXPORT void GetGlobalFunc()
// global functions
Log("##################### global functions #####################\n");
for( asUINT i = 0; i < ASEngine->GetGlobalFunctionCount(); i++ )
asIScriptFunction * ptr;
ptr = ASEngine->GetGlobalFunctionByIndex( i );
if (ptr) {
Log("%s\n", ptr->GetDeclaration(true,true));
EXPORT void GetObjectType()
// objects
Log("##################### objects #####################\n");
for( asUINT i = 0; i < ASEngine->GetObjectTypeCount(); i++ )
asIObjectType * ptr;
ptr = ASEngine->GetObjectTypeByIndex( i );
Log("##################### %s #####################\n", ptr->GetName());
// through member properties
for(asUINT p = 0; p < ptr->GetPropertyCount(); ++p)
Log("%s\n", ptr->GetPropertyDeclaration(p) );
// through member functions
for (asUINT x = 0; x < ptr->GetMethodCount(); ++x)
asIScriptFunction * assf;
assf = ptr->GetMethodByIndex(x, false);
Log("%s\n", assf->GetDeclaration(true,false) );
--- End code ---
Then after that you should compile the dlls... and you can start using it directly with AScompiler.exe:
--- Code: ---ASCompiler.exe runme.fos -run main > smartsense.h
ASCompiler.exe runme.fos -client -run main > smartsense.h
--- End code ---
something alike depending your environment...
--- Code: ---#include "_defines.fos"
void main()
--- End code ---
Thank to wipe.
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